Chapter 20

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Jalissa's POV:

I decide to head over to Beau's and tell him my news. He should be back from training now so I won’t bother texting him. I walk down the now familiar driveway to his front door and knock lightly. Nobody answers the door which is weird, normally one of them is home. I decide to sit on the porch and wait for them to come back home.

An hour later they still aren’t back so I just text Beau.

Jalissa: Hey are you at home?

He replies almost instantly.

Beau: No sorry babe, I am out with Luke.

Jalissa: Oh okay.

As I finish replying I hear a clash from inside his house. It startles me a bit, he said he wasn't home? I decide to text Luke and ask him what Beau is doing.

Jalissa: Hey Luke, is Beau with you?

Luke: Nah he was at home the last time I checked.

Jalissa: Hmm, I knocked on your door and nobody answered so I texted him and he said he was out with you. Then as I was leaving I hear a bang from inside so I texted you.

Luke: I have no idea, just go in. The spare key is under the pot plant. :)

I look under the pot plant and find the key to the front door.

Jalissa: Okay thanks Luke. :)

Luke: No worries. :)

I put my phone away and slide the key into the hole and turn it slowly. Hearing the 'click' I take the key out and turn the handle pushing the door open slowly.

An awful silence fills the house, it is almost like everything is still. I shut the door quietly trying not to make a noise then look into the lounge room to find the TV on but with no sound coming out of it. I then walk up the hallway to the kitchen to find some cupboard doors open, Gina would never leave the cupboard doors open. Next I make my way to the bathroom and find the contents of Beau's toiletries bag spilled out on the floor.

I jump as I hear another loud bang coming from Beau's room. Someone is definitely in here, should I run or should I see what it is? I tip toe towards Beau's closed bedroom door and place my fingers around the handle. Taking a deep breath I turn it slowly and quietly to open it slightly.

"Beau?" I ask with shock as I see him.

"Jalissa?" he looks up with bloodshot eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask him looking him dead in the eyes.

"I'm f-fine," he stutters. It looks like he has been balling his eyes out. I walk over to him not fully convinced and look at the jumper that is covering him. Okay it is at least thirty degrees outside, why is he wearing a jumper?

"Aren’t you hot?" I ask him expecting some sort of cocky remark.

"No," he answers all too quickly making me jump.

"What is going on?" I ask taking a step back as his hands start shaking.

"Nothing," he replies sternly.

"Beau," I start but he cuts me off.

"Can you please leave, I need some time to myself," he asks not looking at me once.

"Can you call me? So I know you're okay," I ask not knowing what the hell is wrong with him.

"Yes, promise," he answers.

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