13. Away Game Part 1

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Chapter 13: Away Game Part 1

Nina: It's Nina. Are u ok? [19:30pm]

I placed my phone down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling waiting for a response. I had been thinking about what Donovan said. About how Chris is. I still don't understand but I reckon it'll just take a bit of communication to decipher what is really happening. I couldn't shake the look he had given me the last time I saw him and what exactly it was that bothered him whenever I mentioned or whenever he saw me with Cody. A few minutes later I felt the buzz of my phone against my arm.

Chris: how did u get my number? [19:32pm]

Nina: I asked Donnie for it. [19:32pm]

Chris: oh ... I'm fine, I guess. [19:35pm]

I sighed at his vague reply.

Nina: I guess? C'mon Chris, people only say that when they're not sure themselves. [19:35pm]

Chris: I'm Fine. Happy now? [19:35pm]

Nina: no I'm not. And what's with the attitude, I can't keep up with you lately. One minute ur mad at me for whatever reason then the next ur ok? [19:36pm]

It took Chris a few minutes to reply.

Chris: I'm not doing this over the phone. [19:43pm]

Nina: then let's meet up and talk? [19:43pm]

Chris: now's not really a good time. [19:43pm]

Nina: then later? [19:44pm]

Chris: I mean I can't really leave the house [19:44pm]

Nina: then I'll come over. [19:44pm]

Chris: you can't [19:45pm]

Nina: why not? [19:45pm]

Chris: damnit Nina. I said you can't! [19:45pm]

I rolled my eyes, breathing harshly out my nose and got up from bed quickly throwing on some jeans and a random shirt that I found at the bottom of my closet. I slid my feet into my converses and trudged into the bathroom to see how I looked in the mirror as I typed a response.

Nina: well tough bcus I'm coming over anyway. [19:55pm]

I wasn't going to go back and forth with Chris through text so I figured that I would come to his house. Riley and Aunt Sarah we're currently off doing whatever fun stuff they could to help them bond; hopefully Riley will be comfortable enough to tell her mother what has been happening on her own. I still haven't said a word about what Riley was going through and I wouldn't until she gives me the go ahead. It's something Riley needs to be ready to say herself and I honestly can't have her hating me anymore than she already does.

After throwing my curly hair into a high ponytail, I made my way downstairs and picked at a bowl full of random small objects until I found Aunt Sarah's car keys. I was more than appreciative for her letting me use her car until I accumulated enough money in my bank account to get my own. I did have inheritance from both my parents but I wasn't going to touch it if the money wasn't going to be spent towards me going to college. It's what my parents would have wanted me to use the money for.

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