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"The feeling of having a boyfriend is really great" I sad to Justin, smaling at him. He is everythibg I ever wanted in a guy. He is sweet and caring.
"a boyfriend like me" he winked at me "all the other boys don't have what I have" I laughed at his joke.
The two of us were siting, my back was pressed agains Justin's chest. His both hands were haging me. I had a really odd feeling in my stomach, but I liked it.
"I hope that this is gonna last forever" I said to him "I hope so"
"I have to get you home, or your father is going to kill me" he said, taking my hand. He lead me through the party, and out of it.
We went to his car. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me. "thank you" I said, he smiled and shut the door. He than turn on some music and it was playing "Halo" by Beyonce.
"I love Beyonce"  I sad "she is so insparation to every little girl and she is confident." I added. And it is true. Beyonce is my inspiration, she helped me so much, and she doesn't even know that she done it. "she is a beautiful woman" he said. His left hand was on the wheel, and his right hand was on my knee. He was going up and down. And it send shivers all over my body.
"we are here" he said "i knowc I said to him and kissed him."I'll call you tomorrow, I want you to go to bed adn sleep" he said and kissed me again. "I will".

First I want to make an apology, I said that I will write another chapter, but I didn't,and I don't have an good argument why I didn't upload. I am so sorry.
And it is short, I am sorry for that too.

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