Part 1

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Addi's POV

"I was told by Lainey that we're going on a picnic." I say to Nathan. He nods. "Yeah... Old fashioned Pinic-ing. Haven't done it in a while." He smiles. I shrug.

"LAINEY!" I screech, making Nathan jump. Since we all share an apartment, I didn't have to yell that loud, but I did. I'll bet the neighbors will be yelling at me soon.

"Yeah?" She walks into the room. "So we are going on a picnic, huh?" She nods.

"Tomorrow. I'm sorry to tell you that in such a short notice, but yeah."

Well. Can't wait.

Time skip

We're approaching the freaking forest we are gonna be picnic-ing in. Couldn't we just go to the park?

When we get to where we need to be, Shayla lays down the blanket for the picnic. I sit down and look at my surroundings. They look oddly familiar...

Oh my god.


"ADDISON!" Jin screamed. We WERE going in an adventure in the forest. "YOU'RE GONNA GET LOST IN THERE!"

"No I am not!" I yelled back, laughing. I'm an insane 8 year old.

"DON'T ARGUE WITH ME! COME BACK NOW!" Even though we are twins, I'm slightly younger than him. Still, I didn't care.

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I ran farther into the forest. I'm angry at Jin. I'm angry at everyone.

"ADDI, PLEASE! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET KILLED! ADDI! ADDI..." I ran until I couldn't hear his yelling voice anymore. I'm not gonna die, anyway. If God helped someone survive in a lion pit, I can survive in a forest.

I sat in the forest for a few minutes, and got up and wandered around. I was in the forest for a few hours at the most.

That's when I realized I had no idea how to get back.

"HELP?" I yelled, hoping someone could hear me. When there was no answer, I yelled again.

"HELP! ANYONE OUT THERE?" I continued to wander around the wooded wilderness yelling and screaming for help.

After a while, my throat got sore. "It's no use..." I mumbled. I sat down and hugged my knees as I rocked back and forth.

"I should've listened to Jin..." It was too late now. Jin probably hates me for doing that to him.

I started crying. I was sitting there for a while until I heard a car. Too lazy to look up, I just assumed someone was here to kidnap me.

"Oh my god! Are you alright?" A female voice said. I've never heard that voice before.

"Do you know who your family is?" She asked, picking me up. I do know, but no way in frick am I going back there.

"No." I lied. A few seconds later I found myself in the backseat of a car. Probably the lady's car.

She brought me to a building. She told me I could stay here until we found my family, or I got adopted.

That's where I remained for a painful 5 years.

End of flashback

I run away from the picnic thing, despite the calls for me to come back. I remembered where we came from so I wouldn't get lost again, like I did all those years ago.

Time skip

I sit down on a park bench. They'll find me here. I've told them the story, told them it was THAT forest, but they must've forgotten, so I can't blame them.

Nathan finds me. He asks me why I ran off like that.

"Do I need to tell you the story AGAIN?!" I yell. Then he realizes why I ran off.

"Oh. We must've forgotten." He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry..."

"It's fine, I guess. You forgot, so I can't really get mad at you." I sigh.

"Anyway, we brought the picnic here, Shayla's idea." Nathan got up and walked over to the new place.

I yawn. You know, I'm not that hungry anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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