Chapter 14 - "I want them to brush their teeth with my menstrual blood."

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"Do you miss me like I miss you?

Fucked around and got attached to you

Friends can break your heart too, and

I'm always tired but never of you."


I must have reread the letter that was left for me last night around 100 times. I stay in my room for the whole day, not daring to go downstairs and see my family. Cameron has called me at least twenty times but I can't answer. I realised today that on the back of the letter was a small note saying if I told Cameron the truth of what's going on, then I'd regret it. I don't know what to do.

Although, I guess I do know what to do because at the minute I'm getting ready for my 'date' with Jonah. A thought skittles through my mind that perhaps it is Jonah sending me these notes but I rule it out quickly because I doubt he'd be this obvious.

The dress given to me is black and short, with a deep low cut neckline and the material is thin and slightly see through. I cringe as I put it on, feeling my dignity slowly falling apart. The shoes are black and high and the outfit as a whole is something you'd expect to see a hooker wearing. Yeah, not exactly what I want to be photographed in. Especially if I'm on a date.

I apply light makeup so as to detract from the hooker-like vibe my outfit is giving off and tie my hair up in a tight ponytail. My heart is hammering in my chest as I get ready and the closer the 'date' comes, the bigger feeling of dread grows inside me. I don't want to go, but at the same time, I really do. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm highly considering kissing Jonah. I need to know what Charlie is hiding.

I receive a text from Jonah telling me he's outside and I sigh heavily. Since I'm grounded until I'm, like, 80, it's going to be tricky to sneak out. Normally I would just wait till mom and dad were watching tv or something, but considering I basically almost got hypothermia and died, they're being a little more vigilant.

I managed to convince Fisher to help me, so he told our parents that I wasn't feeling well and have gone to bed early. He's also going to come into my room when they check on me and pretend to be me. I did have to agree to let him use my car for the next two weeks, but that was only a small loss.

We're basically partners in crime.

When we were fifteen Charlie, Jess and I went through a bit of a rebellious stage. We snuck out all the time, had these stupid fake IDs and went to loads of bars and hung around with questionable people. As much as I hate to admit it, we dabbled a bit with drugs, but never anything long term. Anyway, back then I used to sneak out of the house through my window because my parents watched me like hawks. So tonight I guess it's time to relive the past.

By sneaking out my window, I mean, I'm not gonna take any cocaine.

I throw my bag and shoes out the large window and then slowly lower myself down the drainpipe leading from my window down to the grass beneath me. The grass is cold as it hits my feet and I grab my shoes and bag, before darting around the side of the house across to the gate. I don't leave through the front of the gate, I nip to the corner around back where one of the bars is slightly warped to create a passage that I can fit through.

Sometimes it really pays off having such a rebellious past.

I manage to reach Jonah's car without being seen and also without taking too much time. I straighten my dress, put on my shoes and tighten my hair quickly and grab my phone out of my bag to check for any messages.

Enjoy your date tonight, I'll be watching xx

I mentally curse and throw my phone into my bag, before getting into Jonah's car.

"Hey, Scarlett," he says as I put my seat belt on and I give him a half smile.

"Jonah, hi," I say, realising I have to be at least slightly charismatic. "How are you?"

"I'm great now that I get to see you," he says and I grimace internally.

"Yeah, well, thought it was about time to have a catch up," I say and he laughs.

"Definitely, it's been a while," he says. "I must admit I was slightly surprised by your message."

"Why's that?"

"Well from what I'd heard, I thought you were getting pretty close to that Cameron guy."

"You know me, never one to settle down," I say, praying he believes it. It's bullshit, everything I'm saying. I'm glad I have no problem thinking on my feet because otherwise I'd be screwed. My only issue is it's taking all of my willpower not to message whoever it is that's blackmailing me and tell them that I want them to brush their teeth with my menstrual blood and never harass me again.

We go to some posh restaurant for dinner and have bland conversations about nothing in particular. We're just finished our main course when I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom I open yet another message.

Is that all you've got? You're going to have to give me a lot more before I'm spilling anything about your good little friend Charlie. Forget about dessert, how about a romantic stroll? I'll be watching. Kisses xx

I almost throw my phone against the wall.

I consider blowing this whole evening, but something stops me. I need to know what Charlie is hiding.

So, when I return to our table, I suggest to Jonah a walk. He speedily agrees and pays for the cheque. All the while I'm looking around, looking for someone I recognise, to no avail. We leave the restaurant all the while Jonah guiding me with his hand on my back.

"So, are you sure things are over with that Cameron guy?" Jonah asks me as we step outside the restaurant. I notice his eyes darting across my bare skin and I shudder internally.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because he's standing over there, watching us." My heart stops in my chest and I feel sick. Spinning around I see Cameron and his eyes are ablaze with anger. Desperately my mind wizzes, trying to think of what to do. On impulse, I grab Jonah's cheeks and drag him down into a kiss, which he instantly accepts. My mind is running through a million things at once and I realise what I've done. In my split second I forgot that I can't tell Cameron about my blackmailer. I can't explain to him why I just did what I did.


I push Jonah away and curse to myself. "What's wrong?"

"I want you to stop poisoning my air with your toxic presence," I say bluntly, before turning and hurrying off towards Cameron, who's walking away in the other direction. "Cameron, wait!"

"I have nothing to say to you," he shouts back at me.

"Please wait! Let me explain!"

"Explain what, Scarlett?" he shouts, turning around to face me and I see that his face is thundering. "Explain why you were just sucking on that guy's face? Why you're dressed like that?"

"It's a really long story, but I can't tell you yet but you've got to trust me, please?" I say desperately.

"Scarlett, you're delusional," he says with a face of stone.

"Please Cameron," I plead and he rolls his eyes.

"You don't get to walk all over me, Scarlett, and get away with it." And with that he turns and walks off. I don't follow. My phone beeps in my pocket.

My, my, that was some show! I didn't think you'd actually go through with it, and sorry for the surprise arrival, I just thought Cameron would like to see what his girlfriend gets up to during her downtime. Now, for that information on Charlie...

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