Beginning a real life

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When we returned from the hospital,he showed me a room and told me that I didn't deserve to sleep on our matrimonial bed because I disrespected our marriage.

The next morning,I woke up early to prepare breakfast for my "family".I went to  the kitchen to prepare the meal butju Max arrived just when the meal was ready. I told him to sit down for me to serve him but he looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.He spoke up and told me that he wanted me to change but he didn't expect that it 'll be that quick

He continued and asked me where I learnt how to cook because I was such a bad cook and now this food looks and smells delicious.I didn't know what to say so I said I was doing it for my children.

Days have gone by and everyone seems to be impressed with the new Veronica.
One night,Max asked me to move in to our bedroom because I 've earned it with my change.During this change session,there was only one person who didn't believe me,Aurora.

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