Juuzou's Story {1}

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"Aghhh!~ I'm all out of candy!" He lamented, shoving the cabinet door close.

"Now I have to eat salty food for breakfast...yuck! Nevermind! I'll just borrow Shinohara-san's credit card for some hot cross huns!~" The white haired clad suggested, slipping on his red slippers, and getting ready to step into the dawn of light.

As he shut the door close behind him, not bothering to lock it, he stumbled across some type of thick fabric.

"Ne, what's this?" Juuzou mumured, glancing down at the round ball curled up at his feet.

He slowly unbuttoned his white, long sleeved shirt to reveal a long row of 1/56 Scorpion daggers.

Cautiously surveying his surroundings, he flipped open the flap of the blanket to reveal a baby's head.

A sleeping baby's head, in fact.

The air was so chilly that small, but visible puffs of air escaped the infant's small mouth.

"A baby?" He squinted at the being, as if it were his first time laying his eyes on another human.

Suddenly, Juuzou jumped back when the tiny child let out a small yawn, and its eyes slowly opened to show off beautiful, raven colored orbs.

"A baby?" Juuzou asked aloud again, still confused as to why there was a child laying on his apartment porch.

A small cry came from the child, followed by another, until the child was literally shrieking at him, tears rushing down their face in single file line.

He didn't want to touch it, assuming it was a trap, and there was some hungry ghoul nearby, but he also knew he couldn't leave it outside for long, especially in this weather.

"Where's your home, little guy?" Juuzou hesitantly stooped down to scoop up the child into his arms, all while expecting it to respond.

The baby had stopped crying, its voice only lowering to soft, but audible whimpers, as it squirmed around in his arms.

"Ne, you're really light, aren't you?" Juuzou exclaimed in an astonished tone.

He's never held a baby before, never thought he'd hold one, or even killed a baby ghoul in fact.

"If a ghoulie comes and attacks me, I'll kill you both, alright?" Juuzou warned casually, entering his warm apartment compared to the outdoors, while laying the infant on his kitchen counter.

"Now, what to do with you?" He hummed, ripping open the door to his refrigerator, and pulling out a carton of 2% milk.

"Shinohara-san says I'm not allowed to drink full milk, but I guess this'll do for you...well, since I see babies drink milk on TV." Juuzou assumed.

He turned the cap, took a quick sniff inside, and immediately made a face afterwards.

"Hmm, doesn't smell that bad, just needs a little water is all." Juuzou turned on his sink, pouring almost too much water inside the milk carton, shaking it, and heading towards the baby with a nervous smile.

He roughly hoisted it onto his shoulder, sat down on the living room sofa, and held the carton to the child's mouth.

"Aw, come on, drink it, I promise it'll taste good." He attempted to reassure the individual, until he finally managed to pop the carton into their mouth.

This time, he knew he had no choice but to be gentle.

He lead the child's head on the crook of his arm, making them sit up, while he slowly allowed milk to trickle into their small mouth, making sure they didn't swallow too much.

After a brief 5 minutes, Juuzou pulled the milk carton from their mouth, and began to pat their back, something he had seen Shinohara-san do to his own daughter when Juuzou had been invited to the family's Christmas dinner two years ago.

Instead of the child burping, they began to gurgle and make familiar baby noises, almost sounding like they were laughing, and Juuzou had nurtured them back to their playful mood.

"Ne, I wonder if you're a boy or a girl?" He quirked up an eyebrow, while setting the baby down on their back to settle his curiosity once and for all.

He undid the blanket wrapped tightly around their small form, pulled off their baby jammies, removed the diaper, and........................a girl.

"You look like a boy." Juuzou commented in surprise, putting everything back on the infant, which had been hard to do, since they were too busy trying to eat their feet.

"For being good so far, I'm going to give you five good boy points." Juuzou's eyes darkened.

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