Juuzou's Story {3}

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Shinohara-san's place was only a 4 minute walk from Juuzou's apartment.

It was still pretty chilly outside, and Juuzou knew this wasn't the time to try and draw the attention of ghouls towards him.

He knew he wouldn't be able to finish a fight with Muffin on him.

One of them for sure would've ended up dead.

He hurried up Shinohara-san's driveway, undid his suit to place Muffin behind a bush.

Shinohara-san resided in a one-story, green home with his wife, and 3 kids.

The fear in Juuzou's stomach began to rise once he noticed that Shinohara's blue Honda wasn't in the driveway.

"If Shinohara-san's not home...then, uh..." He picked up Muffin from inside the bush, and strolled around the streets of Tokyo, "borrowing" the wallets of other civilians.


"$14.78! That's the most I've made in a long time, maybe you're good luck from the heavens, Muffin!" Juuzou excitedly hopped down from the garage can's lid.

"Hm...I could buy an entire meal with this money!" He brandished the change and paper money in the air, before stopping mid-dance to hear a sick cough sound from Muffin, who was sitting upright on the garage lid.

"Oh no...you're getting sick, aren't you?" Juuzou sounded truly concerned, and plucked Muffin up from the lid and into his warm arms.

"Don't worry, I'll get you everything you need, too!" He reassured.


"The total will be $20.56." The cashier counted Juuzou's paper money and change.

"But, I need the medicine for the baby!" He gestured towards Muffin in annoyance.

He wasn't mad at her, he was annoyed at the cashier for not having a bit of mercy for a sick infant.

"You can leave anything in this pile to lessen the total." The cashier felt pity for the family he barely knew.

"Ne, I'll leave..." He was about to be selfish and demand the man leave the baby's stuff, but heard the cough sound from inside his suit once more.

"Can I at least have a discount?" Juuzou mumured in exasperation.

"Sir...hm, okay." The cashier finally decided, already knowing he was putting his job on the line for this.

"Thank you so much, kind sir!" Juuzou paid for the things he bought with the little change he had managed to gather.

"Um...can I have 3 extra plastic bags, please?" Juuzou gestured towards Muffin, who was slowly beginning to slip from his arms.

"S-sir!?" The cashier was shocked that the teen in front of him was considering in carrying the child inside a plastic bag.

"Pleeeease!" Juuzou implored.

"I'll stitch you for free!" He bargained, attempting to reach into his pant pockets for the yarn and mini scissors.

"Go to the back of the store and grab a baby carrier, okay? On me." The cashier offered in ultimate pity.

"Really?!" And Juuzou was gone.


"Today was a great day, Muffin, what do you think?" Juuzou questioned the child once they safely entered his warm apartment.

The only reply he received was a pathetic cough.

He sat the child upright on the kitchen counter, and laid out everything he bought.

The baby carrier the cashier had bought for them was red, and all Juuzou was instructed to do was strap it to his chest, and settle the child inside.

"Come in, won't you?" Juuzou lifted Muffin into the carrier, and began to stroll around the living room with her.

"This is fun!" He rushed right back to the supplies and groceries, unpacking two packages of diapers, two sippy cups, 4 baby jammies, baby shampoo, a rectangular box of Benadryl, a stuffed monkey, a tennis ball, an entire bag of candy and chocolate assortments, two cartons of milk, 3 boxes of donuts, orange juice, syrup, and a package of frozen waffles.

Juuzou gaped at the pile.

"There's no way in hell all of this came to a total of $20!" Juuzou ran his fingers through the food and objects.

"He must've bought the rest for us...what a kind, kind man! You know, you really are magical, Muffin, you're my pity card!" He tossed Muffin into the air, but to catch her into his slender arms.

Muffin coughed.

"Here's some Benadryl, you'll feel all better afterwards! I got the grape one, too, since it's probably your favorite!" Juuzou unscrewed the cap to the medicine, before pouring it into the mini measuring cup.

"Open wide!" Juuzou instructed, as to his surprise, Muffin obliged.

Afterwards, Juuzou packed everything away where they belonged, and fed Muffin her evening milk and water in her new sippy cup.

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