Juuzou's Story {2}

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After Juuzou got to know the baby bit by bit, he already knew that it was playful, curious, and twitched when angry or annoyed.

"What's your name, baby?" Juuzou watched the infant roll around the living room rug in acknowledgement.

She didn't reply, instead she flipped over on her stomach, and squealed incorhent words in Juuzou's direction.

"Hm...I'll name you myself!" He got up to his feet, and held the baby to his face by their ankle.

They wiggled around in discomfort, their brows creasing together in a pained expression.

"MUFFIN RASPBERRY SUZUYA!" Juuzou shouted in the child's face, content with his decision.

Until, an odd smell began to drift down from the child, and into the nostrils of the unsuspecting white haired investigator.

"What's that smell?" Juuzou's neck craned around to survey his apartment in suspicion.

"Is it coming from you, Muffin?" This time, he turned Muffin around, and held her up underneath her arms, sniffing at her stomach, and slowly getting lower and lower to the source of smell.

"Ohhh, you pooped yourself, that's why!" Juuzou finally realized, all of a sudden becoming really awkward, and setting the child down on the sofa.

"This is going to be hard, you see, Muffin, I've never really changed a baby's diaper before, and I don't even have diapers anywhere around this place!" Juuzou thought carefully.

"I don't have any money to buy some, and I'm still hungry." He realized once his stomach unleashed its usual hunger call.

"I'ma be right back, Muffin, just a quick stop at Shinohara-san's, the bakery, and the supermarket!" Juuzou pulled on his long, black suit that was 2x bigger than his actual size.

As he was about to leave, he turned back to see Muffin gazing up at him with wide, sad eyes.

"Ne, I can't abandon you just like your Mama did, now can I?" He whispered to himself, still contemplating on how he was going to bring the child along.

He'd have to make sure Shinohara-san didn't take her from him! Or the CCG, in fact!

What if they came by to check up on him like they liked to do on rare occasions, see Muffin laying innocently on the couch, and take her away to someplace dangerous!

He knew the last part was ridiculous, since the CCG's duty was to carry citizens to safety and help them while at it.

Okay, but what if a ghoul broke into his home?

Even though he was literally only 3 blocks away from his job, there was still a possibility.

Dumb ghouls apparently exist, you know.

All their senses seem to enhance, but not their brains.

With that, Juuzou rushed towards the infant, and wrapped her form up once more, and buried her inside his suit, giving her minimal space to breath.

"Don't worry, Muffin, you'll have those diapers, and maybe other things in no time!"

Juuzou's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now