Ch. 10

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AN- just warning you guys that, i didn't have time to edit i will though soon, but i really wanted to post this chapter. So, sorry for the mistakes.

Chapter 10:

Pulling away from Decan, i look up at him.

"This moment is really sweet and all, but you need to leave before my parents get home," i state, looking over my shoulder nervously, into the hall that leads down stairs.

"Wow i tell a girl i like her, and she kicks me out," he jokes, smiling like an idiot.

"Haha Decan. But seriously you need to leave."

He sighs dramatically, and gives me a pout, "fine. Through the window i go."

I grab him by the sleeve as he starts to turn around towards my bedroom window, "are you crazy?!? Just go through the front door like a normal human being!"

He chuckles, "oh ya.." He mumbles.

Honestly i don't know how he got up here. but however he did i can bet you it wasn't safe. And i won't let him risk his life a second time going back down.

I walk him down, dragging him along with me. My parents will not be pleased to find me and a boy alone in my bedroom while they are gone. I still don't understand the time they let Blake up here. I guess they thought it was alright because they were home.

I peak my head out the front door, checking for my parents car. I'm pulled back by Decan however.

"You sure you're alright and we are all good?" He asks, concerned.

I hug him again, tightly.

"Yes we are all good. And i'm fine. I couldn't be happier at the moment."I pull away, look outside once more. "Ok the coast is clear."

Decan tells me goodnight and leaves. I watch him get to his car, get in and drive away. I stare off after the car till i can't see it. Till i know he's not here anymore and i close the door. Its around 8:30-9:00 pm now. I stare at the wood of the closed door.

I feel like this is somehow unreal. Like at any minute now bunny is going to pop out from a corner with her Bunny ears and fangs. And then i'll wake up.

I pinch my self and wait a minute.

I let out breath i didn't realize i was holding, when nothing changes. This isn't a dream. Decan actually said he likes me.

"Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" I squeal, jumping up and down and doing a happy dance.

He likes me!! He said it and he came here and its true!!! Even after i threw my squash soup in his face!!! (Though that was more his fault then mine)

i ran up my stairs to my room and garb my laptop, flinging myself on my bed (not before throwing the bed sheet into the laundry bin because of the soup spilled all over it). i skype, Della, Sandra and Sadie. there faces pop up on the screen of my laptop. they all look concerend.

"oh my god Hope, we thought you died!!'' Sadie hollers, the sound blasting through my headphones.

i wince in pain. i feel a head ache coming on now. I turn down the volume before anyone else of my friends can yell at me.

"ya! i have been calling you non stop! i heard what happened from Brent! i have been so worried!" Sandra, screams.

Della usually the loudest out of the three, chose to sit and glare at me. her nose was still red from her constant blowing into a tissue.

i roll my eyes, "i'm sorry y'all. i took a nap."

they stared at me in disbelief. and that's when i realized that was probably not the right thing to say. all three of them broke out into a lecture. a screaming lecture. each voice trying to drown out the other to make a point.

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