Chapter 1

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High school is a boring, repetitive thing. People break up with people over and over again. i barely knew anyone at my high school and barley anyone knows me. Seeing  my three friends I have made are the highlights of my day. Today we sit collectively as we usually do in the halls for lunch. the cooler "probably could be models"  students sit in the cafeteria with three tables to themselves. 

Della, my best friend since grade one, was cackling continuously at a Nineth grader who had tripped over an extended foot that a devilish red head had planted in his path. Things like this always made her cackle with glee. She found it even funnier when she was doing the tripping herself, her blue eyes lighting up. 

"Why you find the humiliation of others so hilarious, I will never know." I stated as she flung a blond lock of hair out from the middle of her oval shaped face and back to the back of her head.

"C'mon you gotta admit the way he fell was hilarious!" She retorted bursting into another fit of giggles and snorts. This time her hair bouncing with her.  she was a curvy five foot blonde with lots of spunk.  

I shook my head at her making my long hair fall from behind my ears where I had neatly tucked it away. unlike Della, my hair was hazel and my eyes were brown. I however was five foot six and lanky. 

Sandra, sitting beside me, commented on how he would have 'a nice ripe bruise in the morning'.

I shook my head at her too. she was always observant and tried to get the best lines in. she had inquisitive hazel eyes and bubbly strawberry blonde hair. 

Sadie chuckled and pulled a fruit from her purse that doubled as a school bag "you wanna see something ripe? i'll give you RIPE!" she exclaimed as she pretended to chuck a brown banana at the now frightened Sandra.  Sadie was the rebellious take no bull type of gal of say it as it is. she was Latino and had beautiful tan skin and wild crinky black hair which she had streaked with blond.  

The girls playfully screamed at each other back and forth for a bit. I laughed feeling appreciation and love for my goofy friends. I didn't need anyone but them to get me through each day of this boring Highschool. 

just then, I was picking through my salad when i felt a sticky substance of a liquid soak down into the material of my shirt. A fruity sugary scent wafted the air around fruitopia? 

I jerked my head up, making little beads of cold red liquid drip down my for head. What the heck? A tall boy was holding his laughter in. his tan cheeks bloated in surprise and glee. he had dark brown hair and mischievous green and gold eyes.  

"Dude what the fuck!" Sandra screeched, her hazel brown eyes flashing red.

She broke whatever hold he had on his laughter and he burst out chuckling like a dam.

I didn't even bother trying to talk some sense into him and just stood and rushed to the nearest washroom; I knew my friends would follow.

After i rinsed out my hair, best i could, and changed into a sweater my friend, Sadie, kindly lent me.
The questions started.

"You alright Hope?" Sadie asked, in that caring sister tone she only used now and then.

"Ya totally, it's only a stain," I said shoving my wet shirt into the bottom of my bag, "It will come out in the wash."

"Alright, but who was that guy?" Sadie asked looking around to me Sandra and Della.

She made a good point. I realized then i had no idea who the boy was. Trust me this was strange in our high school, Green village post secondary. I know not the best name for a high school but thats it's name. And it wasn't very big. Each class had about 10 or 20 students and some only had 7. But the thing is everyone new someone from somewhere, it was like we were all linked in some way. So to not know someone was pretty rare. If you didn't know someone you at least knew what they looked like or who they hung out with.

Della shrugged, "whoever he was, he was hot!"

I stared at her in disbelief. "you realize he spilled his drink all over me? ruining my clothes and hair. not that i care to much about my hair but anyways... he didn't even apologize. he is probably a jerk just like most of the guys in this school."

"Ya he was an absolute ass hole!" Sadie shouted, hitting Della on the arm.

"He didn't do it on purpose. I saw him trip," Sandra pointed out, "And I knew the other boy he was walking with,"

"well he laughed on purpose," I say pointedly, " And I highly doubt he tripped-"  

"You do? from where?" Della asks while cutting me off, her blue eyes lighting up with curiosity.

"Lives around the block from my house. I didn't think he went to this school though..." Sandra trailed off, thinking about it for a minute.

"listen I don't care who the other guy is or the guy who spilled the drink on me is. I will be quite happy if I never saw either of them again for the rest of high school! Now I'm going to class," I declare right before the bell rings for third period.

"geez what a drama queen.." Sadie murmurs before I'm completely out of ear shot. 

-sometime later-

After sitting through a painfully boring lecture of, 'how all cellphones must be turned off in class' and how I, 'ought to get detention for my crude behavior' from my lovely English teacher, note the sarcasm, Mrs. Reid. I was on my way to my locker for the end of the day. 

I would have to tell Della she really needs to stop  spam texting me memes when we are in the middle of class. How she gets  away with it I will never know. 

I let out a sigh pulling my locker door open, and reaching in to pull my sweater out.

The halls were quiet and empty and I realized Mrs. Reid must of kept me behind longer then I thought. I check my watch: 3: 10 pm. Great. twenty five minutes of my life i'll never get back. 

I was throwing on my sweater when loud laughter bounced around the hallway and met my ears; The thumping of feet on the ground and male voices.

I turned my head slightly, looking over my shoulders and felt as if i had been slapped. Honestly the only thing i could think, then and their, was how much bad luck i could have.

There walking down the hallway was not only the boy who spilt his drink all over me, but 3 of his friends with him.

I realized i was overreacting. I mean he couldn't recognize me. He saw me for like what? 5 minutes? Before bursting out into such a laughter, i'm surprised he didn't fall over and role on the ground. Plus why would he care? i for sure didn't. He could walk right on by and I would not give a flying fu-

Damn. They were closer now, and I had to turn the way they were coming.

I decided just to wait till they passed and turned down the hallway connected to this one.

I fiddled in my locker, pretending i was looking for something but i probably looked more like i was trying to find a magic portal to Narnia. They were passing me now, talking about something listeners would only understand as gibberish. See no need to worry, my spy skills are the best. 

There was a sudden stop to there conversation and chatter and there Footsteps ceased.

"Hey aren't you the girl I spilt my drink on?"

Great, just great. 

~~ Hey guys! Hoped you liked the first bit of this story i promise to update soon if any of u liked it remember to vote, follow, comment and to keep on reading ;)

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