Fish and Chips

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Dan's Pov

I moodily wrapped up a fish and chips and I handed a teen girl with long blonde hair and a very short skirt and a crop top and she looked the same age as me, most people would of been attracted to her but I'm not really attracted to girls. 

She twirled her hair around her finger trying to flirt with me as I barely looked at her

She walked out shaking her hips lots looking back at me as I couldn't really care less

"Way to make customers wanna come back Dan" said Louise

"She was a slut" I said simply


"What? I can say what I like this is my shop remember"

"Yeah I know Dan, but seriously just go home your very moody right now"

"Whatever" I mumbled going upstairs to where my apartment was

I unlocked the door walking straight into my lounge turning the TV on to see the royal family

I sat quickly down turning the volume up as I saw the queen stand on the balcony of Buckingham palace as I saw there son Philip Lester stand beside them happily,he still made my heart stop

I've liked him since forever, we're both the same age (18) and I've wished from every birthday to meet him, and I follow his twitter but can't pluck up the courage to tweet him

I carried on watching the TV in silence wanting to here every word, It turned out they had donated to £20,000 to the cancer research project and I smiled, the royal family weren't very uptight, and they were extremely good people and Philip was very beautiful

Suddenly my phone screen lit up with a notification making me jump a little as I saw that Philip, or AmazingPhil which was his twitter name, had tweeted

I quickly unlocked my phone and read his tweet

Really want to have some Fish and Chips now, don't get it in the palace :(, XD

I smiled to myself and before I could change my mind, I tweeted him

@AmazingPhil Haha I own a fish and chip shop

I cringed and turned my phone off throwing it onto a beanbag on the other side of the room as I got another notification and couldn't help but run and grab my phone seeing it was from twitter and unlocked my phone seeing Phil had replied and I almost fainted there

@danisnotonfire Aww :( Can I come and have some??

I grinned widely and quickly typed a reply

@AmazingPhil Any time! :)

AmazingPhil has followed you



I immediately wanted to message him but I didn't want to seem clingy and I called Lousise

"OMG LOUISE GUESS WHAT!" I screamed down the phone

"Dan stop shouting, and what is it??"

"Philip Lester tweeted me! And he followed me!" I said excitedly down the phone

"Dan, do you seriously still have crush on him"

"Um no" I lied

"Dan no offence or anything but he's not gay or bi whatever, and he's a prince and the future king! he won't go out with you, I doubt you'll ever meet him, or speak to him"

"Well thanks for crushing my dreams Louise" I said sarcastically ending the call

I wish he knew me and how I felt about him

I wish I could meet him

Soz it short future chapters will be longer :)

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