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Phil's Pov

Dan was great and taking care of me as my bruises slowly got better and started to disappear and Dan seemed to get sadder the more I was getting better

I sat down on his sofa one night as he sat beside me frowning at his hands

"Hey Dan what's wrong?" I said shuffling over to him

"Nothing" he replied sadly

"C'mon Dan what is it?"

"You" he mumbled quietly but I still heard

"What about me? I'm getting better" I said happily glad to be free of pain

"You'll have to leave" he said blushing

"Dan I'll still see you" I said hugging him but he didn't hug back and stayed still making me feel awkward

"You won't though your the prince I won't see you" he said

"Dan..." I said trailing off

"Dan look don't you want to be friends?? And I'll see you when I'm not busy I'll come visit" I said meaning every word

"Phil... What's the point" Dan said as I felt crushed

"Dan... Seriously? You mean this?" I said voice breaking as tears threaten to fall

Dan nodded slowly

I ran out the room into his bedroom calling Marcus to come pick me up as I quickly packed my suitcase

I ran downstairs looking at Dan who was staring at his hands I didn't say anything and ran into the car as we drive away in silence an there rest of the journey was quite, quiet

I ran into the palace throwing my phone into the corner of my room lying on my bed and just cried letting out all the tear that had been building up over the last couple of hours

I was howling when my mom entered the room

"Phil! Philip! Calm! Down!" She said as I cried into her

"What is it?" He asked softly

"D-Dan H-Howell" I sobbed

"Who's that?"

I stood up and collected my phone going onto twitter and handed my mom my phone

"What he do to you Phil!" My mum said getting angrier

"I JUST DONT WANT TO BE THE FUCKING PRINCE!" I screamed bursting out into tears

"Why Phil?"

"Because I can't be friends with awesome people!" I shouted

I heard my mum tap away on my phone as I was crying into my bed still

"Phil this Dan guy is coming to the palace"

"What!? When!?" I exclaimed

"Next week"

"No he doesn't like me!"

"Too bad and also later that night you have this ball to find yourself a husband"

"What!? No! I wanna find my own husband!"

"You can't!"


"No one would know him if he's a good ruler or anything"

"Why does that matter!?"

"Because your going to be king Phil!"

"SO!" I screamed at my mum as she shook her head leaving me alone

I didn't move all day from my bed and the next and the next for a whole week until my mom entered

"Phil! Get up!" My mom shouted

"Hmm what? Why?" I moaned

"Dan" she said making me jump up looking through my wardrobe

"And don't forget the ball tonight" she added leaving my room

I quickly showered and got dressed as I was excited yet nervous to see Dan after all he doesn't really like me

"Mom! What time is Dan coming!" I called

"At 2! Ball at 5!" She called back

I looked at the time


I sat down on my bed bored and didn't want to message Dan as it would probably be awkward

I lay down on my bed checking the time every 10 minutes until my mom called me

"Phil! Dan is here!" She called as I rushed downstairs towards the back door where guests the public couldn't see I took a deep breath and opened the door staring at floor and saw his shoes with lots of zips on

I slowly tilted my head upwards as I looked at him as we were both silent until he just ran into me hugging me tightly as I hugged him back burring   my head into his shoulder crying slightly

"I'm so so sorry" Dan said

"Your here, it doesn't matter"  I said sniffling into his shoulder

"Philip you going to introduce me?" My mom said using her posh queen voice

"Um yeah sure" I said wiping my eyes

"Mom this is Dan and Dan this is my mom or well the queen"

"Dan what?" My mom asked

"I'm Dan Howell well my full name is Daniel James Howell ma'am"

"Oh please just call me Liz"

"Okay Liz" Dan said smiling

"Okay boys I'll leave you and Phil get ready at 4:30 Okaii?"

My mom left us as we walked upstairs to my bedroom

"What's happening tonight Phil?"

"Oh like a gay ball where I have to find my husband tonight"

"That's a bit unfair isn't it" Dan said

Yeah I know! I want to find my own husband!" I said angrily

"Hey calm down Phil" Dan said

"I'm sorry Dan" I said looking down at my hands

"It's alright Phil" Dan said hugging me which seemed to make my heart jump a little


I've wrote about 10 chapters for this story ready to be published
I feel so proud of myself :)
Plz comment what you think so far as that would b awesome
Love you! You amazing readers!

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