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Phil's Pov

I showed Dan the way out from the garden and kissed him on the cheek and ran back inside the palace and into my bed knowing my mom would probably wake me up


"Phil! Philip! Wake up!" My mom said shaking me

"What?" I said opening my eyes as she shoved the newspaper in my face and I saw a picture of me and Dan kissing but Dan wasn't very clear in the photo but it was a well shot photo

"Who's this!?" She asked pointing at Dan

I stayed quiet not saying

"Phil! Tell me!" She shouted

I stayed quiet

"You have 1 hour to tell me" she said leaving my room

I didn't know what to do, she would stop me from seeing Dan but an idea struck me as I quickly went I twitter

AmazingPhil: Dan can I come to your house please

danisnotonfire: Sure, what's wrong??

AmazingPhil: I'll explain when I'm there

danisnotonfire: Okay :)

I grabbed my big green backpack and packed my favourite clothes and items and wrote a note to my mom

I've gone away mom I don't want to be the Prince and marry someone I don't like, don't come and find me, I am happy
Because I'm in love

I looked around my room sighing as I looked out the window the drop wasn't to big as I threw my rucksack out and stood on the ledge, jumping down

I landed in a bush as my ankle was starting to throb I got up and walked through the tall bush which took me to the road with no security cameras and was rarely busy

My hair was messed up and clothes were torn and I got many dirty looks from people as I hobbled along my ankle was starting to get unbearable as I messaged Dan

AmazingPhil: Hey Dan I'm on my way although I've sprained my ankle jumping out the window

danisnotonfire: Geez Phil, where are you??

AmazingPhil: Nemo lane

danisnotonfire: I'm coming to get you stay there

AmazingPhil: Thanks ly Xx

I sat on a bench looking trampy with my massive rucksack and ripped clothes and messy hair

"Phil!!" I looked up seeing Dan a couple steps away from me

"Dan!!" I stood up and falling onto him  as he caught me laughing as I stood up, holding him to keep standing

I put my arms around him kissing him happily

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you too Princey" Dan said laughing

I grabbed my bag and kept an arm around Dan as we made our way to his apartment

It wasn't to far away and we got there pretty quickly

Dan guided me to a sofa and found his first aid kit and carefully bandage my foot up

"Should be okay in a couple of days" Dan said sitting beside me resting his head on my shoulder turning the TV on as the news popped up

Breaking News
The prince has escaped from the palace!!
Prince Philip has escaped from the palace as he has fell in love and the queen apparently wouldn't let him find his own husband according to the note prince Philip left

"I'm much happier here with you Dan" I said

"Phil y'know one day you have to go back to the palace"

"No I don't want to"

"Yeah you have to be the next King of England"

"I don't want to! I wanna stay with you!" I said hugging Dan tightly

"Awww Phil" Dan said hugging me back

"Erm Dan like um do u like um" I started pausing

"Like do you wanna be my boyfriend??" I asked feeling like I was going red

"Phil! Yes!" Dan said jumping on me

We now have a live message from the queen

I turned to see the TV was still on an my mother was on the screen

Phil please come back, I don't care who your in love with just please come back

She started to cough violently and it went back to the news reporter who was talking about how the whole country was on high alert looking for me

"You could go back Phil" Dan said

"Only if you come with me" I said

"To the palace? The queen? What if she doesn't us together Phil??

"We'll run away together I don't care as long as I'm with you"

"Okay but don't go back yet, let them calm down a little and for your foot to heal"

"Alright boyfriend" I said snuggling into him as I fell asleep

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