The One Line

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A/N: My friend and I were watching this really cool video (see above), and after explaining some symbolism things that I have gotten off the comments, she inspired me to write a little story. Yes, if she is reading this right now, well, hey! Hope you guys enjoy this little one-shot, and all the grammar mistakes I make belong to me and me alone. Everything else belongs to the one and only creator of Hetalia, Hime-papa. :)

Enjoy the ANGST!


Feliciano's POV:

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, looking over to my right. It was all a blur for small, tiny me. I was looking over the Earth, admiring all the green and blue, and the next thing I knew, I felt my insides free-falling. Blacking out, I awoke, looking up at the sky where I was just prior. Feeling the soft grass beneath me, I slowly sat up, afraid a sudden rush of feeling. That's when I felt that I wasn't alone. No, there was another presence next to me.
"What are you looking at, you creep?!"
Taken aback by the other's off-standish behaviour, I felt myself tear up. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't--"

"Yeah, well, whatever. I was waiting for you to wake up anyways. I'm confused at where I am as well." Frowning, I noticed that the other boy had dark brown hair and a cute, tiny curl. "What's that?" Pointing to the little thing, he backed away. "Ugh, don't touch it, freak! And stop asking me questions!" Getting up, he began walking away. "You know what, I think I'll be better on my own. So don't you even THINK about following me, you jerk."
With that, he wobbled off, leaving me behind.
If I knew any better, I should have followed him too.


"Who's a good little Italy? Yes you are, yes you are!" Tickling my feet, Grandpa [Rome] smiled. "Ah, I wish I could find your brother as well... but it seems like he ran off again..."
Tearing up, I started to wail. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!!"
"No, no!" Gramps reassured me. "It's not your fault, it's not your fault! Wanna cookie? Oh child, please stop crying! Come on now, it's alright! He'll be back by supper!" Trying to smile himself, I sensed that the older man started to break down a bit. "Please...stop...crying...please..."
It was as if there was a switch inside of me, but for some reason, I did.
Little did I know that "Little Romano" (his name, apparently), was taken in by another man named Spain and that my mentor and I had very little time together left on this unmarked world.


"Now Italy, we talked about this. We have guests coming over and you STILL haven't mopped the floors!!" Placing his hands on his hips, Mr. Austria looked down at me. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Not meeting the intense gaze, I looked at the floor. "I'm hungry. Please, can I just have something to eat?"
About to lash out at me again, a voice rang throughout the hallway. "Of course you may, amigo! Come over here and give Big Brother Spain a great big hug!"
Lighting up, I ran into his open arms. "Ahh, that's a good Italia. Here. Have a tomato. I grew it, you know?"
Nibbling into the skin, a familiar voice piped up as well. "Spain, you jerk! Make sure to give me credit too!"
"Heh heh, and Roma too. He did a major part of it, you know?"
Looking at the other, I smiled. "Thank you, brother. I really appreciate it."
For that moment, I swear I saw one of the rarest, most genuine smiles come out of him for a split second. "It's-It's nothing, jerk."
"Ah, Spain! You're here early! What do you need now?!"

"Now, now, Mr. Austria. We don't want to give a bad example to the kids now, do we?" Putting me down, Spain walked off with my boss, into the grand office I was forbidden to step in. This gave me the perfect opportunity to spend time with my brother. "So, what do you want to do first?"

"What's with that get-up? Are you a girl or something?"
"What? You can't be called my brother dressing like that. Get changed or something." Turning around, I could hear him mumble, "Not you too, Italia. Not you too." Walking off, I ran after him, leading me to the backyard. "Wait, big brother, wai--"

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