Under The Maple Tree

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I walked over to the smooth marble tombstone and sighed.Why did Sherlock have to kill himself?Why now?Why leave me?Why didn't he tell me?Did the others know?So many questions swamped my weary brain.I looked down and walked away,keeping a steady pace as I leaned on my cane.Damn my leg.I walked down and past a shadow of a person sitting under a Maple Tree.I bet that he's doing much better than me.Doesn't have so many questions to ponder over.I raked my brain for possible answers."Why did he leave me alone?",I thought out loud.I looked out at the lake and noticed the shadowy figure had gotten closer and was seeming to look at me.Almost watching me.I shuddered and pulled my coat collar closer to my neck,then got up and walked away,hoping he wouldn't follow.As I approached 221B,I glanced down the street and saw it again.That damn shadow figure was just sitting there,but he was following me!I decided to not let him know where I live and kept walking,past the flat.A look of alarm crossed my face when I looked back to see he had gotten up and disappeared off somewhere.I decided to go where there would be a lot of witnesses,just in case something happened.But as I turned around,there wasthe figure,right in front of me."Why are you following m-",I was cut off by two muscular hands wrapped around my neck.All of a sudden,I felt a jab in my arm and I looked down to see. a needle sticking out of it."SHERLOCK!!!",I screamed out in sheer terror."Your precious Sherlock can't save you this time.",an evil voice hissed into my ear.My vision went blurry and just before I blacked out,I looked straight into the face of evil.The face of Moriarty.A few hours later,I woke up in a dim room.I seemed to be chained up,and obviously still delirious from the drugs that were inserted into my arm.I was confused as I felt water trickling down my face.'No',I thought.'Not water...BLOOD!',I panicked a bit as tried to find the source of the blood,and failed.I clinched my teeth as I remembered Moriarty.His evil,cold,psychotic face.I remembered how much I wanted to kill that Westwood-wearing psychopath.And as much as I wanted to pick the lock of my handcuffs,I decided to wait until the drugs wore off.I would be sloppy and slow if I broke out now,and id most likely be caught in an instant.I decided it would be best to sleep off the drugs.I closed my eyes and everything went fuzzy,until I heard footsteps.My head asnpped up and I strained to see clearly.I heard a voice that was a malevolent mixture of triumph,ridicule,and scorn."Oh come come now.You should have broken out by now.Aren't you supposed to be the brave little army doctor?",Moriarty laughed."Why hold me captive now?There is no point.Sherlock is dead and I have nothing of interest for you.",I mumbled.Moriarty merely smirked and raised a brow."How are you so sure Sherlock is dead?He was right,your not clever at all.Too incompetent and neyeve.Your so quick to accept that he's 'died'.",he taunted.I tried to keep my eyes open and pulled at my restraints fervently."Where is Sherlock!?Is he really alive?!",I frantically asked.My mind raced and I fought to stay awake."Toodalooo!",he sang in a high pitched voice as he sashayed out of the room."No wait!Is Sherlock alive!?",I strained even harder,pulling at the chains like a vicious dog.I silently cursed and sighed,letting my head roll back and falling into spiraling darkness as I once again passed out.

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