cap. 1

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Lareen's POV

The thrill of watching the BLUE regiment, small as it was, make their way to the coffee shop, where I was sitting was amazing. Each member of the team had a distinct personality and spot where they sat; Pyro kept to the center of the room, flicking a lighter on and off. Medic sat beside Heavy, laughing at the drunken jokes of Demo-man. Sniper chatted with Soldier, Engineer tinkering alongside Pyro.

But the last member sat alone, casually sipping a mocha while writing a letter home. He had taken off his headphones and hat, setting them aside. His bat-bag lying across the seat beside him. I've been slowly making my way closer to him every other day, jumping from one seat to the next. He was a mysterious one, and usually kept to himself. Now only two seats away, I felt out of place. Was this really worth all this trouble just to ask him what his name was?

He yawned, getting a glance at me. He raised an eyebrow, his deep-blue eyes staring into yours. I felt my face getting hotter, he was staring at me.

"I don't bite" he said, going back to his letter. I noticed a slight accent; maybe he's from Boston?

Taking up the inclined offer, I stood up, grabbed my cappuccino and sat across from him. He continued writing, his left hand moving to his dog-tags. With a quick and final signature, he folded up the paper and stuck it in his pocket, facing me.

"Soo... what's your name?" he asked, folding his hands so two fingers were on his lips.

It took me a bit before I squeak out the answered,"Lareen"

He smiled underneath his hands, "Mine's Scout" he held out one hand, white hand-wraps covering his palms.

I gently shook it, letting go and grabbing my coffee. He cracked grin, "Shy?"

I nodded, taking a drink. Before he could say anything else, the others stood and started to leave. He turned his head.

"Oop... Gotta head out, Lareen. It was nice to see you" he snatched up his bat-bag, hat and headphones, taking one last drink of his mocha as he sprinted out the door after them.

I sighed, mentally scolding myself for not saying anything. Oh well, he'll be back tomorrow is another day.

so this is my first romantic story, so pleas excuse me if it's boring :3

- Shino

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