4th year

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(A/N any songs aren't mine)

(time skip)

After that day she was forced to lay low with the reminder that Voldemort would be coming after her once he realised she was missing. People had also yet to find out who the Slytherin Xena's mother had married was. It had also confused people how Severus seemed to defend Harry and where she actually was. But that was to change soon. She had convinced Dumbledore to let her come out of hiding as long as she stayed in the castle. She was happy. 

After students piled into the hall and the two extra schools had made their dramatic, and un-needed entrance dumbledore stood up again. 

"Now i would like to introduce someone who was here in the first year, but had to go into hiding. May i introduce again, Xena's mother, a proud Gryffindor in her age. Lavender Snape!"

Lavender walked through the great hall. The blue fabric of the low cut dress she always wore flowing behind her, she could put Veelas to shame. People gasped, wondering how Snape could end up with a woman so beautiful. With no shame she walked up to the teacher's table and sat on Severus' lap. He didn't care either, he just held her there as Dumbledore introduced the member of the ministry that had come to talk about the Triwizard tournament.  

"And finally as you eat. Lavender was quite the singer back when she was younger, we were hoping she would sing you a song."

Lavender smiled and walked to the mic Albus had conjured and made some music play. The song she was going to sing represented quite a few things. 

Everyone applauded her once she was done making her smile. Only a few including Harry, Xena and the twins making the links between what the song represents. She went back to her seat on Severus' lap and smiled. 

"Again Again." they shouted. She smiled and took a mic sitting on Severus' lap singing the song she wrote for him. 

People wolf-whistled knowing who the song was about. But she had a lot more embarrassing songs written about him. 

"Alright Harry this one is for you, it's only a memory but enjoy angel." 

She conjured up a large screen and the music started showing the marauders and Lavender. Well the only marauder not present was that rat Peter. Sirius and Remus where playing instruments in the back while James was rapping for her. 

Harry smiled, and with that song finished everyone was sent to bed, harry smiling at his dad's antics. Severus smiled at his wife and walked up to his room with her. When they got to the room they went straight for the bed and they both slipped under it. 

"Goodnight my angel" Severus whispered. She hummed in compliance and fell asleep. Severus was up a while longer just revelling in the fact his wife had returned with his beautiful healthy child and she didn't have to hide anymore. He soon fell asleep hugging his wife tightly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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