5. Anonymous

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Okay,so my sexual life is dry af and i dont really dont get boy's attention as much as the other girls fr, and also i started to question my sexuality lol. But when i was 15 years old, i frenchkissed for like 4 damn hours non stop a sexy cute goth boy in a gay bar and he really wanted to fuck me ( he was so ready to fuck, like he was touching me everywhere yasss 👅👅👄 ) but i wasnt ready ( i always told myself to not fuck the first time u meet and always to fuck in a nice place 😂 ) and i was scared as shit and like now i regret it because i really want to fuck ( tired of being virgin fr ) lol, at least i could have suck his D but nah lol, i hope this summer the hoe inside me will shine bright like diamond, because im fucking ready to suck a dick, lick a pussy and above all to love someone, I'm ready to be wild sexually lol😭😭😂

- Anonymously a hoe

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