Chapter 1: Dibs

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"Sin hurry up and finish getting dressed we don't need to be late," My mom yelled from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes before putting the finishing touches on my makeup. Once checking my hair and my outfit I grabbed my purse and phone, walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I beamed kissing my mom on the cheek. Standing a little over 5’0 my mom barely reached my chest. I stood at 5’5 but my 4 inch heels made me even taller

“Good morning sweetie, hurry and grab a plate honey we can’t be late for Sunday school and did you clean your room like I asked?”

“Yes mom”

“Good because after church the new youth pastor is coming to visit and we’re going to give him a tour of the house. The last thing we want him to see is your dirty clothes all over the floor or an unmade bed,” she lectured and I sighed. I hate that people need to see MY room it’s MINE.

“Yes mother,” I said biting back sarcasm the last thing I need is a lecture on my tone or attitude.

I text my best friend, Trinity, to see if she would be in Sunday school today, if it wasn’t for her and my other friend Simone I would die of boredom in church. We were always sitting together making jokes, laughing, or all of us would try to go to sleep. Of course I would TRY to stay awake. I hated hearing the hour long sermons from my parents on how I need to hear the word of God and go to bed early so I won’t be so tired in church. After eating the pancake breakfast my mom prepared I put the dishes into the dishwasher. I started the dishwasher and grabbed a dish towel to wipe the counter off.

“Um Sincerity that dress you got on a little short and tight ain’t it?” she asked.

“Maa it’s not even that bad it’s almost at my knees,” I sighed.

“Okay fine when your father has a heart attack I told you so,” she laughed. I mentally rolled my eyes.

“Ready to go ma,” I asked holding her car keys in my hand. Ever since I got my license at the age of 15 I wanted to drive everywhere and since my car is in the shop why not drive hers?

“Sincerity Renee’ James you are not driving my car,” she said holding her hand out for her keys.

“Pwease mommy,” I pouted poking out my bottom lip knowing her nor my father were able to resist my sad faces.

“Well,” she sighed, “I guess it’ll be okay just this one time.”

“Yaaaay,” I exclaimed jumping up and down, “Thank you mommy,” I kissed her cheek.

“Your father and I spoil you entirely too much,” she shook her head

“Nuh uh,” I said in my best two year old impression, “you can never be too spoiled.”

“If you say so Sincerity now let’s go I do not want to be late because you will not be using that as an excuse to speed,” she said eyeing me.

I looked away as if I had no clue as to what she was speaking of. So what I might have gotten a warning or two (or maybe 3) about speeding from cops, I was in a rush. I grabbed my purse and phone heading to the door. I sent Trinity and Simone a quick text telling them to save me a seat since I would probably be a little late. My mom is the slowest moving person I have ever seen in my life. She was always complaining about being ready to go but when it’s actually time to go she has to take her time and check EVERYTHING. When she FINALLY came out the house, I closed and locked the door then headed to her car. I got into the driver’s seat and immediately put on my seatbelt. I waited for my mom because I knew she would pray like she always did. Her and my father prayed before we went anywhere. Going to church, going back home, taking me to school, going to work, even going to the grocery store. Like for real? I know we want God to guide us and protect us but do we have to ask him EVERY time we get in a vehicle? After she said amen I backed out of the yard and drove to church. I turned the radio on to hear “Go Get it” by Mary Mary going off. Man that’s my jam. Song gets me hype even though it’s gospel lol. We got to church at 10:01 exactly. Only one minute late for Sunday School, thankfully. I handed my mom her keys back before sprinting into the church to meet up with Trinity and Simone.

“Hey y’all big news,” I squealed.

“What you finally got some,” Simone joked making me playfully smack her in the back of the head.

“Shut up stupid no. My mom let me drive her car to church this morning. Its official ya girl going to be driving that more often,” I brushed the imaginary dirt off my shoulder.

“Wait Malani let you drive her car? She don’t even let Sincere fine ass do that,” Trinity joked.

“Aye hoe how many times I gotta tell you to be up off my daddy. He doesn’t want you plus Malani may be saved but she would beat your ass literally.”

“Don’t I know I heard your momma was a trip back in the day.”

“Still is don’t let her being first lady fool you,” I laughed causing the girls to laugh as well.

We finished fixing our hair and makeup before going into the sanctuary. It was already packed up in there like dang. Some people I haven’t seen in forever was up in there. I guess people wanted to be there for later on when we welcomed the new youth minister. I haven’t heard much about him other than the fact that he was like 32 and he could preach. I missed the last time he was here thanks to me having a “cold”. Anyway after opening prayer they dismissed us to go into our individual classes. Jasmine, our teacher, was running late so we sat in the classroom talking and socializing til she got there. Trinity was telling us about some drama with her ‘friend” Jonathon. I swear they argue more than an old married couple. I should know I live with one. Simone on the other hand was texting me juicy details about how she spent the night at Jackson’s house. According to her things had got hot and heavy until his mom came home early from work so they decided to wait until another night. Once Jordan came in she called out attention to her and began teaching us something about something. My headphones went in and my music and Candy Crush had my attention.

Church service was good. My dad preached on resisting temptations and resisting the devil. After altar call, which took forever since EVERYBODY (well almost everybody) decided today was the day they were going to start ‘resisting the devil’. Watch in about two weeks’ times these same people going to be at the altar all over again praying for deliverance or forgiveness. Now I can finally see this new youth pastor that everyone keeps buzzing about. This better be worth me cleaning my damn room earlier. He entered from the back of the church and my eyes were glued to him.

“Oh my damn he is fine,” I whispered to Trinity and Simone.

“Oh my yes he is honey break me off a piece of that,” Trinity exclaimed

“and then he can break me off with a lil sum sum too,” Simone laughed.

“Well before anybody breaks anything I want you all to know something,” I said

“What’s that,” they looked at me intently.

“I call dibs,” I laughed

“Hey no fair do over,”

“Nope you snooze you lose,” I stuck out my tongue at them. We giggled louder than we intended  earning a stern glare from mother Bernice.

We smiled apologetically before giggling again as soon as she turned around. After we did all the formalities of officially installing him as the youth Pastor it was time to get up and give him the right hand of fellowship. All the deacons, ushers, trustees, etc. went first then I hurried into line since I knew my parents would expect me to be one of the first ones up. When it was my turn to shake his hand he reached for a hug instead. The electricity that shot through my body went from my fingertips all the way down to my toes. In that moment, I was glad that I called dibs because I wanted him and Sincerity Renee James ALWAYS gets what she wants.

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