Chapter 3: Monday Talks

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Chapter 3: Monday Talks


“SO class today we finish our discussion on children behaviors and actions,” Professor Rodwell spoke. “Last class we were discussing possible reasons as to why some children do and say certain things. Let’s begin there.”

“Well like I was saying last class no one can really say for certain why a child may be displaying certain behaviors,” Trinity said. “They could have a real behavioral disorder or it could be because they are looking for attention.”

“Or there could be nothing at all wrong and they’re faking,” a girl named Mary spoke up.

“I think the best thing to do is talk to the child to see if it’s just a cry for attention. If the behavior continues after you spend time with them then it may be something deeper. Take them to a doctor or a child psychologist to get them diagnosed before it’s too late. Better safe than sorry,” Simone chimed.

“With thinking like that every child in the world will be seen every time they act out or throw a tantrum and it’s not that serious. Can children and their behaviors change yes, can they have a serious defect such as ADHD or Autism yes, should you take them to a shrink every time they kick, scream, and cry no,” Maria, Mary’s twin, added.

“So when is a good time to take them, when they are so out of control that they’re falling out in the middle of a store for no reason or the simplest slightest thing makes them cry or upset?” I asked. Normally I didn’t participate too much in class discussions because I knew my attitudes about this subject were enough to make me really emotional. I hated that some people like Things 1 & 2 took this subject so lightly. Like there are innocent children out there who are seriously hurt and need help but unfortunately there aren’t enough caring people out here to help them.

“NO I didn’t say that I’m just saying that there’s no need to run to a doctor every time they’re having problems or acting out,” Mary said rolling her eyes.

“Ok class that gives me an idea for an assignment. As we all know tomorrow we will be visiting the daycare however given the nature of this discussion we will be visiting the local children’s hospital. Your assignment for tonight is to research a certain childhood behavioral defect and the characteristics that are associated with it. Make sure you research them well because it will be very important for your portfolio,” as soon as she said that the clock struck 9:45. “Well seeing as we only have about 5 minutes left in class and we are basically done for the day you all are dismissed. See you bright and early tomorrow morning. Don’t forget your research and ID badges.” As soon as she finished Trinity, Simone, and I all left, heading to the library.

“Girl you was ‘bout to go in,” Trini laughed.

“Yeah I almost felt bad for the terrible two,” Monie chimed in.

“Y’all know how I get when it comes to kids man,” I said honestly.

“You know you can’t keep dwell on that situation there was nothing you could have done. We were like 10 who really would have believed us,” Trini asked.

“I don’t know but maybe they could’ve caught his ADHD and his cancer before it was too late if we would’ve said something and been persistent.”

“Who knows? But you can’t keep beating yourself up over it Sin,” Monie said.

“Besides he’s in a better place where he doesn’t have to worry about chemo or radiation every other day.”

“True,” I said lowly.

His name was Austin Johnson. He was a little boy that used to go to our church whenever his mom would bring him. He was so handsome and full of life and laughter. After a while he started acting differently, he would barely listen to his mom or dad. He didn’t want to go to church; he was always complaining about being in pain it was just hard to see him like that. His mom wanted to take him get him treated but of course you know dads, want their sons to tough out everything. Anyway by the time they took him to a doctor it was too late. His ADHD could’ve been treated but his cancer was in its last and final stages. He died shortly after that and I just that really hurt my heart. I had a feeling something deeper was wrong, I should have said something I should have did something. I quickly wiped the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

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