chapter 1 how it all started

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On a very hot day Ally wanted to go swimming with her bfc (best favorite cousion) named McKenzie Ocean,so ally thought how about the near by lake but then again a little 6 year old died there 5 or 6 moths ago so well nevermind. Ally was all about who got killed or what happen even where but I mean to stay safe I could understand stand it very well. The next day came and ally wanted to meet McKenzie at the dollar store and so they did. Hey McKenzie said, hi Ally said back,rhen both walked to McKenzies house and talking about going swimming at the park 2,3 blocks away. Ally smiled and said sure, they started to get in the car to go to the park. 30 minutes into the drive all the sudden mckenzie hit a small But large rock while they were on a medium sizes bridge...............

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