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warnings: rape, possibly triggering

"So while you're performing, having a crap ton of fun, I'll be here with Jenna watching Orange Is The New Black." I tell Tyler. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, don't watch too much we still have season 4 to watch together." He kisses me gently. "Okay lovebirds, pack up the act it's time to go." Vic groans. "Bye, guys! See you soon!" Jenna grins.

The door shuts and Jenna and I immediately sit down on the couch and open up Netflix. "No further than the last episode of season 3. You know what Tyler said." I remind Jenna. "I know, I know. Let's begin. Episode 1, season 1." Jenna smirks. I laugh and lean on her shoulder for comfort.

lesbian prisoner time skip

"How are we already done half of season one it's been like 2- oh never mind it's been an hour." Jenna realizes. The door opens and Pierce The Veil enters. "How was it?" I ask the band. "It was really fun, the fans obviously didn't expect us to walk on stage." Jaime tells Jenna and me. Vic walks over to me and throws an arm over my shoulder. Jenna shifts uncomfortably at his action, knowing Tyler wouldn't be okay with it. His grip is tight on my arm, he pulls down and I land on the couch, still in his grasp. I move away from him but he pulls me back. Jaime, Mike, and Tony all give him a 'screw you' kind of look. "Vic, c'mon let go of her." Mike sighs. Vic rolls his eyes and lets go of me.

I shuffle closer to Jenna. "When is Tyler coming back?" I mumble to her. "At 11:30. It's 10:00 now." She quietly responds. I yawn and frown. "I'll be in the bunker." I tell everybody. "Goodnight, Y/N." Mike, Tony, and Jaime respond. Vic doesn't say anything. "Nighty, Y/N! Sleep well." Jenna smiles. I stand up and begin walking to the beds. I hear a set of footsteps behind me and turn around, to find Vic standing behind me. "Why are you following me?" I ask him, feeling afraid. "You've been playing hard to get all day. I know you want me, Y/N." Vic says, eyes dark in... lust? "I don't want you. I don't love you. I have a boyfriend, and I love him. Not you, Vic." I spit at him, words filled with hatred and disgust.

(i actually love ptv im sorry)

He sighs and throws his lips over mine and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I panic and shove him off me. "Stop! What the heck? Piss off!" I yell at him. "Don't be too loud, don't want the others to hear." Vic smirks. He pulls off my shirt and puts his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. I kick him and punch him, but he isn't affected. He unclasps my bra and it falls to the floor. I scream as loudly as I can, and then I hear banging at the door. "Y/N?! Open the door! Let us in!" Jenna's voice sounds. "Vic let her go! What are you doing to her?" Jaime yells.

Vic leans closer to me. "Should've kept quiet." He whispers into my ear. "We're getting help, Y/N! Just stay strong, okay?" Mike says. Vic pulls off his clothes followed by the rest of mine. "Stop it, please!" I sob out. "Please, please stop!" He laughs quietly. "Poor baby." He grabs one of my breasts and sucks on it while massaging the other. He pulls away and starts rubbing his dick. I whimper and tears stream down my face. Once his member is lubricated he
moved my breasts against it.The door suddenly breaks open and there stands the rest of Pierce The Veil, Jenna, cops, and doctors. "Y/N!" Jenna shrieks. She runs to me and shoves Vic away. I cry harder and she breaks into tears.

She gets out an outfit to cover me up. It isn't glamorous but who cares? I shakily put on the items of clothing. "H-he r-" I start a sentence but quickly start bawling my eyes out. "Hey, hey, look at the time it's 11:25. Tyler will be back soon, he'll take care of you, like always." Jenna holds me close to her. The policewoman shoves Vic into the car, and the rest of the boys follow in their tour bus. "Jenna?! Y/N?!" Josh and Tyler yell. "In the bunker!" Jenna yells back. They run into the room and look at Jenna and me. "What happened?" Tyler asks, taking notice of my shaking and crying figure. "Vic... Raped her." Jenna says, her voice shaky. Tyler and Josh immediately get an angered expression put on their faces. Tyler pulls me into his arms and holds closely onto me. "I'm here, okay? He won't hurt you. I'm here and I'll protect you. I love you, you're safe." He mumbles, placing kisses all over my face, holding me tightly. "I'm sorry." I tell him. "I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you." I push myself closer into him.

"Don't you dare apologize. This isn't at all your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, just Vic did. How about we go to bed now, and we'll talk more about this tomorrow?" Tyler suggests. I nod slowly and get off of Tyler's lap. Josh and Jenna were in the main area talking to the police about what had happened. Tyler slips his hand into mine and kisses me gently. "I'm here whenever you need me." He tells me. I hug him tightly and cry quietly into his shirt. "I love you." I tell him. He says the same back to me, and  makes space for me in our bed.

I snuggle into him and he wipes away my tears. He sings softly. I immediately recognized it, and smiled. 'Our song.' I think to myself.

"Wise men say,
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you."
He looks down at me and kisses my forehead.

"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you."
He continues.

"Like a river flows,
Surely to the sea,
Darling so we go,
Some things are meant to be."
His words fade away as I fall asleep to his voice.

depressing af time skip


"She won't act normally for a long while. She won't be as responsive. It'll be as if she just isn't here." Tyler says quietly to his friends Jenna and Josh. "I hate him... Why did he even do that. I just don't get it." Jenna grumbles.

"When is the court session happening? It can't be too soon or she might relapse and breakdown." Josh realizes. Tyler sighs and buries his head into his knees. "She doesn't deserve this," he says. "If only I was there. This wouldn't have happened." Josh and Jenna hit him lightly. "You were performing! How could you have helped her? You were out there doing what you love. Stop putting this on yourself." Josh explains to Tyler.

"Whatever." Tyler grumbles. Jenna sighs. Y/N enters the room without a sound, sitting next to her boyfriend without a second thought. "Breakfast?" Jenna asks. "Where do you guys wanna go to?" Y/N asks quietly. "I'm not hungry." "How about Tim Horton's?" Jenna suggests. "Tim what?" Josh asks. She laughs. "Tim Horton's. A café sort of thing. It's Canadian, although Burger King bought them, which is a bummer." Jenna tells Josh. Tyler wasn't paying attention, he was just staring at Y/N, who had a blank expression plastered on her face, and it was distant.

She didn't have her usual happiness coating her features, but now it was just sadness and emptiness.


That was all it took to make tears fill Tyler's eyes. All it took to tear him apart. He hated seeing his girlfriend so on edge and scared. She was torn apart. She was gone.


tHIS TOOK A DRAMATIC TURN OF EVENTS WOW. SORRRYYYYYYY! next chapter will be a bit different, it'll act as a filler really.
anyways, until next time, stay alive, frens. |-/

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