Night on the Grand Canal- Italy x Reader

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(*Reader's Point Of View*)

    Click! My disposable camera as I take my final picture. I have decided to take a vacation to Venice in Italy. It is such a beautiful city with many things to see. I have went to several places, like The Basilica Cattedrale Patriatcale di San Marco, it was a grandiose church with very interesting architecture. Also I went to Piazza san Marco, there were a lot of statues there, my favorite by far was definitely the Lion of Venice, it had amazing detail. I also went to this great place for food, there was nice music and stuff. I wanted to finish the day of with a trip along the Grand Canal. It always looked really cool in the movies and how awesome would it be to go down it in real life. I put my camera in my pocket.

    After waiting for an ride, I finally got on the gondola and started going down the canal. I looked at my watch, 8:39. This will probably be the last thing I will do here, I have a flight back home in the morning. I start looking around at the buildings along the canal, they have really great architecture here in Italy.

    "You seem to like the places here-a, eh?" I turn behind me too see the gondolier, he was smiling at me. He was scrawny with auburn hair that had a curl hanging out and really cute amber colored eyes. He drops a pamphlet on my lap, it is a schedule of the rides, times and everything. I drop the pamphlet and start to look around the canal, this place is really is breathtaking. The clear water with the reflections of many lights, The other gondola's with their vibrant colors and the normally blue sky with new colors of shades of violet and red. It is really exciting, but peaceful at the same time.

    "Well this place is really beautiful, the people are really nice too!~!" I said returning the smile. This might actually be one of my favorite places to go, with the buildings, the boat rides and well, the really cute guys. 

    "Well I know, I live here of course, ve~" He says as he turns the gondola the other direction, wait he is not supposed to do that! I look down to the pamphlet and start reading the schedule, it says nothing about going this way! 

    "E-excuse me?" He turns back to me "Um.... it doesn't say anything about going this way today...." I said in a quieter tone, he smiles at me after saying this. 

    "Miss, today there is a party a rich-a man's house in the celebration of his daughter's birthday-a! They always send floating lanterns-a into the sky, we switch the route up for this occasion-a!" He continues to steer as he explained this to me. I sigh in ease, that got me a bit scared for a moment. I look around a bit longer before we slow down by the man's house.

    "He should start in a few-a minutes~" He exclaimed with an even more obvious smile than before, I quickly get my camera out and wait for it to start. Suddenly a single lantern comes from the man's window, after a few seconds hundreds come from the crowd. The gondolier sat down on the opposite side of the gondola. The reflections of the lanterns made the canal sparkle with thousands of colors. I take a picture as fast I could, I would not want to miss a minute of this.     

    "Isn't that lovely-a?" He said looking even more excited than me. He turned to me, I can't help to stare into his amber eyes, we stare into each others eyes for a few minutes. He shakes his head and gets back to the back of the gondola. I sigh as I see the last of the lanterns float up to the sky. 

    For the rest of the ride I sat there in silence, I saw him glance at me a few times, but nothing else happened. I see the dock in the distance and I start staring at the ground once again. After a few more minutes the boat has stopped. I gather all my things and threw them back into my bag. I step off the boat and I give one last look to the Italian man. I start slowly walking away. 

    "Wait!" I hear a voice behind me and I turn around to see him running up to me. He slides a little as he stops. "Hey, I-a never told you my name~ I am Feliciano! And if you ever have a chance to come back to-a Italy, please stop by~" He smile widens as he says this. I can't help to smile along. I knew from then and on Florence will be a place to return.

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