chapter 7

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"Heidi!!!!!!" Devon yelled...

Oh shit I forgot I am suppose to meet Sam at the roller rink today. Not a date today just a fun day to get me to forget the fact that my dad tried to get me to come back to take care of him.

You see I dispise my father... yes it is the holiday Fathers day... ich. I never celebrated it for he always says I am just like my mom...

My mom left him as soon as I turned 2 and wasn't codependent on her. My dad would beat her and the memories I have are not pleasent. She would always be bruised or broken. She left me witg him and as soon as I turned 5 the abuse on me started. Having nannys come and go because they got werried and shiz.

I left him like my mom left him and until I turn 18 I am stuck living with my friends and boyfriend.

Devon got me to snap out of a trance. I apologized and then rushed to get dressed. Then went to my car and drove off to meet Sam.

Sam didn't actually want to go skating so instead we went to a fair where I showed him my shooting skill. So he ended up realizing to not get on my bad side. Sam won me a teddy bear and shared a funnel cake. To end the day he took me to his favorite spot and we staied there looking up at the sky talking until we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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