Long lost love

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Cherry's POV 2 years ago

"Cherry I need to talk to you." Jacobs says sitting down next to me on the bench. His shoulder brushes mine, but I don't feel sparks anymore.

Not even a tingle.


I gulp. "What is it?"
"I need to know you won't punch me first." He says completely serious, back away from me.

"I won't hit you I promise." I say laughing.

"I~I love you... " he chokes out.
"Oh Jacob I " I try to stay, but he just cuts me off.

"I love you that's all their is to it. If you ever loved me, you won't after what I have to tell you."

Oh no.

"I'm a~- I'm an Almas." He spits out.

I'm taken over by shock and I passed out.

I wake up and try to open my eyes, only to be blinded by a bright light.
"Ugh" I growl.

I try to sit up but hands push me back down.

"Uggh" I groan out.

"You're awake. Your- DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN" he shouts the last part. I winced due to a sharp pain in my head.

"Jacib, what are you doing here? What happened?" I say in a whisper.

"Shh don't you worry about that baby girl." He says. Tears began to fill his eyes. I can't stand to see him so sad.

So before he can speak again, I kiss his. We both look at each other Stunned.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, putting my head down.

He puts puts fingers under my chin lifting up, forcing me to look at him.

"What do you remember?" He asks slowly.

"Me and you were talking and you told me you loved me." I smiled at that last part. "And then you told me you were an-" I stop, my eyes widening.

I start crying, shaking, rocking.

No no no no!!

I look into his eyes. They were so full of guilt.

I let the darkness consume me

And I pass out.

When I wake up I look to my left and see Mark asleep in the chair next to me. I look at him and smile.

I look around for Jacob but don't see him anywhere.

"Mark" my voice choices out in a hoarse whisper.
I clear my throat and try again.

"MARK"I shout successfully.

He jerks up and looks at me. He immediately comes rushing over to my side.

"Hey baby its ok I'm here now." He says touching my cheek. Tears slip from his eyes.

What was that all about? God all I did was pass out.

I smile looking up at him. Suddenly reality comes rushing back to me.

"Hey Mark?" I ask.

He nodds.

"Where's Jacob?"

"He left to go get some real food. Why?" He asks.

"Mark we have to go. Now!" I half scream half shout at him.

His eyes widden, confusion set on his face, but all he does is nodd.

He hands me my clothes and I get ready, while he signs my discharge papers.

As we're halfway to the car he asks, "What's up, why did we have to leave. And what does it have to do with Jacob?"

"Everything. It has everything to do with Jacob. I'll tell you it once we're in the car, it's not safe here. He nodes at me.

I take the drivers seat.

He turns to me and asks," So what about Jacob?"

Dang I hoped he would forget.

I slowly turn to him and say, "Jacob is an Alma's."

His eyes widen. With shock written all over his face.

Jacobs POV 2 years ago

I came back to the hospital with food, only to be told she was discharged an hour ago.

I call her cell but she doesn't answer.
So I call Marks, but he too does not answer.

I storm off. About 15 minutes later I find myself in a small cafe.

I sit and think.

Can't she see I love her?! I finally told her the truth, and what happens? She goes and runs off with "Mark" I hiss his name out loud.

I need to stay calm.

I'm in a cafe they don't know what I am. Who I am.

I pick up the chair and fling it across the room. It hits, and shatters the window.

Everyone just stops and stares.
Then the owner comes out. Or at least that's who I think he is.

"WTF IS GOING O-" He stops mid sentence, taking in the scene.
His face pales.

"Hey don't worry I'll pay for all of it" I say to him.

He turns his head towards me.
"And who are you?! He spits at me.

I straighten up. I inhale slowly. Never have I ever ever been talked to with so much disrespect. Well if you don't count my father.

"I'm the dude who broke your window."

He slowly let's out a chuckle.

I freeze. I've heard that laugh before.
I just can't put my finger on it.

"I know who you are!! Why I haven't seen you in so long." He let's out after laughing for a few minutes.

Oh no.

No! It can't be.

"So Jacob where is my little doll? You know I haven't seen her in so long. Is she still pretty?" He says.

I clenched my jaw and fists are forming. I'm angry. He doesn't seem to notice or if he does he doesn't care.

He should really stop talking before I slam my first into his face!
"She was super hot back then. Too bad I didn't get that when I had the cha-"" but he didn't have the chance to finish. My fist slammed into his face so hard, the ground shook.

I jumped in him while he was still in shock. "DON'T -punch- YOU -punch- EVER -punch- SAY -punch - THAT -punch- SHE HATES YOU -punch *3-

The poor "guy" was knocked out cold.


Serves him right.

It amazes me that some people actually reads this still.

I'm so sorry that it's kinda all over the place. It will get better!! I promise. Remember I'm just making the story up as I go.

This was just a little filler chapter, to kind of give you an idea on why Jacob hates Cherry so much. All he did was confess his love for her. But she ran off with a wanna be jerk face (yeah I know he is my character but look at it from Jacobs POV he does suck camel butt) after she found out he was an Almas.

What is an Almas you ask? Well that's for me to know and for you to find out.

Anyway that picture is of Jacob. Yeah I know hot right? Ahh gotta love young Sam.

Peace out little dudes ✌✌

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