I promise

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Marks POV present

I can't believe that just happened. Wait, what did happen? All I remember was hearing some type of explosion.

I looked around the room but nothing looked fimalar.

I was just laying down on a bed. Not tyed up or anything. No one was around. I still had all my clothes on.

There was one window. I got up to go look.

I heard the door open and quickly dived back into the bed. I got under the covers and pretended to be asleep.

I heard someone laugh. "You know I've been watching you for the past 5 minutes. I know you're awake" the mystery man said.

I bolted up and looked at him.

He was light skin with blue eyes. He had the most perfect eyebrows... Wait what am I saying? I sound like a girl.

"Ah so the sleeping man is finally up."
I chuckled.

"It seems so," I muttered.
"Uh if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I said kinda shly.

"Ah well you see my names Andy. I brought you back here to help you heal. If I didn't you would be dead. And so would Cherry."

I felt tears run down my face.
I could not loose her. I won't.

I really needed to find her.
And it was as if he read my thoughts.

"Don't worry about her. We already have a plan. Now, are you hungry? I'll bring you food or you can come get some.
I don't know if your strong enough yet, but you can try. "

Guys I'm so sorry this was so late!! I've had this written for like 2 weeks but just kept forgetting to post it. Sorry peoplez!!

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