investigating the miz

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Cody's pov how dare Zack I knew he was an ass but thinking of kidnapping addie, that's just stoops to low.

Daniel: so here's the plan we tell miz that we are thinking of going out for a drink.

Cody: than we get him drunk we ask him if thought of kidnapping anyone.

Daniel: yea if he says no than we move on and check him off the list.

Cody: if he's says yes and he says its addie we take him to jacks personal locker room.

Daniel: and than jack and the rest of us takes care of him

The keep walking until the see the miz and the smirk to themselves!

Cody: hey miz.

Miz: hey Cody, hey Daniel.

Daniel: we were thinking about going out for drinks you in?

Miz: sure but why me?

Cody: we want to hang out with the coolest guy in the wwe.

Miz: you think I'm the coolest?

Daniel: yea why else would we want to invite you?

Cody: and we want talk about about the fact one of the divas has a crush on you?

Miz: really? Who has a crush on me?

Daniel: we'll tell you over drinks what do you say?

Miz: ok let's go.

Cody: ok I'll go call the diva that has a crush on you.

Miz: see ya their buddy.

Cody calls jack first.

J= jack
C= Cody

C: hey jack we got the miz to go out for drinks

J: ok be careful!

C: will do pal.

End of conversation.

Next he calls his friend Cameron

Co= Cody

Co: hey Cameron I need a favor.

Ca: what is it?

Co: I need you to pretend to be into the miz tonight.

Ca: why?

Co: its for Addies sake she's in danger and miz might be involved in it.

Ca: ok for addie. See ya in ten.

Co: thanks owe you one

End of conversation.

Cody caught up with the rest.

Cody: hey guys she's coming miz she's really excited to finally tell you how she feels.

Miz: really who is she?

Cameron: hey miz you sexy as ever.

Miz: Cameron I didn't know you were into me.

Cameron: miz I been into you since the day I met you.

Daniel: well come on lovebirds!

Cody: let's get drunk

3 hours later...

Miz: *drunk as hell* thanks guys for bringing me.

Cody: anytime buddy on a unrelated note have you ever thought of kidnapping anyone?

Miz: no but I know who has..

Daniel: who?

Miz: randy Orton

Cody: who has he been wanting to kidnap?

Miz: I don't know I just heared him talking to 3 other guys about kidnapping some girl.

Cody: you know what miz you look a little tired let's get you back to the hotel.

Miz: your good friends.

Daniel: we know.

Cody: I'm going to call my girlfriend quick I'll be right their.

Miz: ok see ya in the car.

Cody calls jack.

C= Cody
J= jack

C: jack theirs not two but four!

J: who's the second one?

C: randy Orton.

J: it make sence he wants my world heavy weight championship too.

C: good luck tomorrow with Brock.

J: thanks bye

C: bye.

End of conversation.

The got miz back to his hotel room

Cody: hey Cameron.

Cameron: yea Cody what you it?

Cody do you really like the miz?

Cameron: yea and I'm glad he's not a part of this whole thing.

Cody: me too.

Daniel: hey Cody and I have an extra bed if you want to crash at are room.

Cameron: sure thanks guys

The went to the hotel room and went to bed

To be continued...

Who do you think are the other two guys?

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