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Okay guys, so my new best Wattpad friend AloneTogetherForever is going to Comic Con (that lucky son of a gun) and is going to meet Sebastian Stan (cue eight bazillion shrieks of pain mingled with fangirling) and has kindly decided to compile a bunch of messages to him from us nerds on Wattpad. Here's mine for him.
What is life.
I can't even.

Mr. Sebastian Stan,

I can't tell you how odd it is to be actually writing something that I know has a chance to find it's way to you. Of course, at which point you are reading this, it clearly already has, which, in itself, is a small miracle to a person such as me.

I know you probably hear this more times than you could care to count, but you are such an inspiration to me and others. Words cannot describe how much I enjoy watching anything that you might appear in: Marvel is my main passion, but I also enjoy space and science (I hope to be an astrophysicist later in life) so you could not imagine my delight when I discovered who was going to be playing the roll of Dr. Chris Beck in my favorite book, The Martian.

I love movies. They take me to a place I cannot hope to go. Yes, producers and directors are behind screen directing every move and action that is carried out, but what use is an amazing plotline without the actors and actresses that bring it to life? Not only are you a phenomenal actor, but as an assumption based off of everything I've heard about you, you are a great person as well, which is sometimes atypical when it comes to famous people such as yourself. It is a wonderful surprise to stumble across someone with a personality like yours.

I will attempt to keep this concise so as not to waste too much of your time, but I do want to impress upon you to never take anything bad people say about you to heart. Do not let what other people think keep you from doing what you think is right, because what is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular. So keep being you, because everyone else is already taken. Okay, I'll stop using cheesy quotes now. But sometimes you need a little cheesy, right?

So thank you again. If you have read this far, that probably deserves a thanks as well. One last thing that I want to add: a drawing (oh jeez). It took twenty six hours of work and is still not perfected, and if I could finish it and give it to you in person, I would. But for now a picture will have to suffice. I also have more work on Instagram, my username is marvelous_avenger_art, if you'd have the time to look (if not, I completely understand, but it would mean so much to me if you did).

 I also have more work on Instagram, my username is marvelous_avenger_art, if you'd have the time to look (if not, I completely understand, but it would mean so much to me if you did)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Te iubesc, Mr. Stan.
Live life as it has been given to you, and continue being an inspiration to me and others.

Elizabeth Healy
Someone who hopes to not be stalkerish but also wants you to know how much I enjoy your existence.

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