Love.Laugh.Live ( A PewdieCry Fanfiction ) Part 29

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The both run to me, laughing.

"Cryyy" Scot yells as they both pull me into hug.

"We haven't seen you in forever dude!"Scot says, taking a step back. Russ unlocks his arms from around me, standing level to Scot.

"Well Scot, he couldn't be seen due to him dating PEEEEWDIEPIE" Slinging an arm over Scot, Russ laughs.

'We told you to tell him" Jund says "And look now you're dating"

"I know, thankyou guys. You helped me so much." I reply, a smile plastered across my face.


"You guys I don't think we're playing this right" Scot says, mining some wood for a crafting table.

"Russ, these signs are so racist!" I say laughing my head off.

"But it's MineCraft" Writing a new sign to place upon the wall, Russ was really a funny idiot, but my best friend.

"Here Cry have a sign" Russ gives me a sign and I thought this was my chance. My chance to tell my best friends about my sexuality, the fact that I liked lads, not chicks.

"Well anyway guys, we're all tired and will probably fall asleep so for not it's the end of the stream and we'll talk next time" I switch off my audio with Russ and Scot doing the same.

"Anyway I have twenty minutes to sleep before I have to get up for work so bye dudes" Scot yarns

"Wait friends, I need to tell you something"

"What Cry? I need to sleep" Russ whines

I get the wooden plac, slowly typing the words on my keyboard.




I feel a tear roll down my face, I had probably just lost my two best mates. Stupid Cry, f*cking stupid Cry!

"Felix?" Scot smiles

"W..what?" I question, tears dripping down my face.

"You turned for Felix" Russ just spoke bluntly.

" ha...has Marzia" I choke up

"Why are you crying friend?" Scot spoke calmly

"I'm sorry....just please don't hate me"

Scot let out a small gasp"Hate you?"

"Why would we hate you?"

"You're our best friend Cry, we'll be there for you no matter what" Russ' words brings a smile to my face.

" not mad?" I whisper

"No friend, well abit at the fact I've got to leave in ten minutes, night" Scot laughs shutting off his camera.

"I'm happy for you" Russ smiles "But also I need to sleep so taa raa" Switching off his camera.


It was late in the afternoon and I had gotten abit tipsy with Russ, playing games on the Xbox. Scot was watching us from the kitchen, making sure we were ok.

Russ pauses the game suddenly "Wait I have news!" Standing up he knocks over a line of empty beer bottles.

"I'm going to ask Red to marry me"

"Woooooo dude" I laugh excitedly

He pulls out a ruby red ring out of his top pocket which was in cased in a red velvet box.

Eurgh sorry it's short, bad and late. School seems to be a stress right now but from now on things will be getting interesting.

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Vote so I know people are actually reading and I am not wasting my time.

Brofist Friends - Leasha

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