Reunion part two

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Chapter 14

I look at the stick that will decide if my future would change or not.

"What does it say Sabrina" my brother Daniel said outside the bathroom door.

"Haven't looked" I said opening the door letting him in.

"Well look" he said to me.

"I can't, do it for me" I said handing hi the stick, he looked and his face light up.

"So" I said with a shaky breath. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when Carl came up behind him.

"Baby come back to bed" he said throwing his arms around Daniel.

"Hold on" Daniel said back to him.

"Wait what's that" Carl said pointing to the test. His eyes went wide then he practically screamed.

"Sabrina you're pregnant". I felt like my world stopped no one was moving only I could think. Was this true of fake, was this even real. I thought for a second how would Jordan think, how would anyone think.

"Really?" I let out. They both nod and pull me in for a hug.

"How do you feel" Carl says.

"Happy" is all I say as they both pull away from me and walk downstairs hand in hand. I stood there for a couple of minutes, how am I suppose to tell Jordan? What if he gets mad and says he hates me and never wants to see me again. But what if he's happy and wants to help me and loves me. I have to tell him. I walk back over to the old room and walk back inside to see a sleepy Jordan. I went over and sat on the bed still with the test in my hand. I lightly shook him waking him up.

"Sabrina what's wrong why are you up so late?" He asks me sitting up.

"Well um.. Um well you see" I try to say but couldn't.

"Yes, Sabrina" he says. All I do his hand him the test it takes him a moment to understand what it is but when he does.

"Is this true" he asks me. I shake my head not letting a word get out. He just sat there we both didn't say a word. I was getting worried and tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Sabrina why are you crying" he asked pulling me into a hug.

"Aren't you mad" I asked in a quite voice.

"No, I am happy I love you and our little peanut" he said touching my stomach making me laugh.

"I love you too" I said to him kissing him on the lips.

"Now can we go back to sleep" he asks me and I nod. He lies back down and I following resting my head I his warm chest. Falling into a deep sleep.

~ Time skip till morning ohh magical ~

"Sabrina get up" I hear and slowly open my eyes too see David.

"Yes David" I ask him. Siting up to see Jordan do so as well.

"Is it true" he asked me.

"What are you taking about" I asked him.

"Well aren't you pregnant"

"Yes but who.. Wait Daniel told you" I said to him. He nodded.

"Did he tell anyone else" I say with concern.

"No just me and Carl" he told me.

"Well make sure he doesn't tell anyone else or you because I want to tell people" I say to him and he nods his head and leaves my room.

"I am going to go take a shower" I tell Jordan as he nods his head and lays back down. I run over to the bathroom and lock the door. Turning the water on and undressing. I look down at my tiny belly to think in awhile I will be able to see a bump. I got out and finished my routine. My hair was down and wavy, I had light makeup. I was wearing a short blue summer dress like the one I wore on Jordan's and I first date.

"Hey Sabrina you look beautiful" Jordan said as he wrapped his arms around me making me blush.

"Thanks" I say and grab his hand leading him downstairs. I see a couple of more people have arrived like my grandparents, my creepy uncle Ron whose my dad's brother, my mothers sister aunt Taylor, and one of my many cousins Jaylie.

"Hello" I say to them giving them hugs.

"Good to see you dear" my aunt said.

"So what are we doing today"

"The girls are going to go for lunch and then shopping" my aunt said.

"And they guys are going to go for lunch and do man stuff" my uncle Ron side checking me out like he does with ever girl related or not.

"Sabrina is there anything I should know about you're uncle, cousin, dad, tony, and his son, so I don't screw up" Jordan whispers in my ear.

"Ok well my uncle Ron is a perv he's rich and well that's pretty much it, my cousin Jaylie is evil he pulls pranks on everyone so be carful, my dad is a drunk loves red wine, Tony he's a rich lawyer, his son is pretty easy to get along with Tommy also watches your videos so one up there but his father doesn't know so don't bring it up" I whisper back to him.

"That's all" he laughs lightly.

"Yes, I love you good luck" I say kissing his cheek.

"Ok when are we going" I say.

"As soon as April gets here" my grandmother says. I remember April I use to babysit her when we were younger, she must be around 15 now. I saw Ann walk into the room looking the same she did yesterday.

"Hello everyone one have we had a good morning" she said and everyone answered with a yes. The door bell went off and she answers it letting in April.

"Hey girl" I say jumping up and hugging her. Her light brown hair and blue eyes looked great on her. She looked like a skater girl.

"Nice beanie dude" I tell her making us both laugh.

"Thanks buddy" she says walking into the house.

"Perfect we are all here let's go girls" my sister yells. We all left getting into my aunt's minivan. My aunt and grandmother sat in the front. Then my sister and my mom in the next row. In the back we April, Anna, and me. I felt bad for leaving Jordan there with them crazy people but what can you do. We arrived at a small restaurant and walk inside.

"Table for seven" Ann said to the host.

"Right this way" she says leading us to a table in the back away from everyone else which I was thankful for. I sat next to my grandmother and Ann. A crosses from us was Anna and April. And on the ends was my mother and my Aunt Taylor.

"So how has everyone been lately anything exciting" my Aunt Taylor asked looking around the table.

"No, nothing new with me" I said to everyone.

"oh I see, but what about your new boyfriend" Anna said.

"Well yes Jordan and I are dating for about a month now" I told her with a smile on my face.

"What does he do for a living sweetheart" Taylor asked.

"He's a youtuber" I tell her. Everyones face was confused trying to figuer out what he does. "He makes videos and them post them online for other a to watch" I added on. A couple of them started to nod there head understanding what I meant.

"So honey what kind of videos does me make" my mom asked.

"His videos are of him playing video games" I say. My mothers face is in aw she's probably thing that I was insane for dating someone who's job is playing video games.

"Ah I see, he must have around like what 100 fans" my mother asked in stern voice. One you would use if you were getting mad at your kid.

"No, he has over five million last time I checked" I say in a mater of fact tone.

"Oh really how many..." "Everyone lets just move on" my mom was interrupted by my sister.

"I have something to tell you guys" she said. We all turned our heads to face her.

"So today I went to the washroom an guess what I found in the trash" she said. Wait she couldn't have found... No I put it in the trash in my room.

"What is it Deary" my mother asked.

"I found someone's pregnancy test, and it said that whose ever it was, is gonna have a baby" Ann finished we all looked around at one another.

"Who ever is pregnant at this table please speak up" my mom practically yelled at the table,No one moved. I looked at April giving her a look that I was think meant it me but I don't wanna say. I saw her nod her head and stand up, everyone's faces went to shock.

"Yes I am having a baby" she said.

"But your 15 you can't be having a baby" my Aunt called.

"I know it was one night and we just you know, but now this has happened and there is nothing we can do about it so let it be" she called out sitting back down in her chair. Everyone looked astonished.

"Sabrina can I talk to you" I nodded and followed April away from everyone else.

"Can you tell me what's going on" April asked.

"Well I am pregnant"

"No really you freakin idiot" she said to me "Jordan's" she continued on.

"Of course" I told her.

"I will cover for you only because your like a sister to me and I love you" she told me giving me a hug and guiding me back to the table.

"I think we should all be going" my grandmother said walking by us to the car. We all followed and went back to the house. I wonder if Jordan's day is going any better?


Hey there sorry for the long wait and short chapter I think anyways thanks for reading. Anyways the next chapter will be Jordan's pov and his lunch with Sabrina's family. Then the chapter after that will be the reunion that has all her family members in it.

Thanks again for checking out my new story Youtubers House, I gotta say it's pretty good.

Also thanks too minecraftheart for the character Jaylie and thanks too cutesy1236 for the character April.

Just to let you sexy people know I still could use some characters if you would like to help just comment whatever it's up to you.


Hey if any of your lovely faces wanted to have a convention with me guess what you can I have a kik. That's right I am a cool mofo. My username is Sabrinaraevy. Come one, come all I would love to talk to you dudes.


Love you guys!! <3

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