Chapter Six: My singing career

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Hey guys, in the last chapter, I finally put all the links like I said I would. So go check that out!

"That was amazing! Ariana was right! You are a good singer, you've got the voice of an angel!" he exclaimed with such enthusiasm

"Thank you," I replied, I felt blood rush to my cheeks, obviously flattered by the compliment.

"You're very welcome. Oh, where are my manners? Hello Adrianna my name's Rydel," he grins, sticking a hand out for me to shake

"Hi Rydel, my name's Adri- Oh wait, you already know it," I mentally facepalmed myself, of course he knows your name, he just said it. My embarrassment washed away as I heard his contagious laugh and soon laughed along

"Yes, yes I do. But there's a question I'd like to ask you." He says seriously

"Yes?" I reply

"Would you like to, perhaps, be apart of a record deal?" he asks hopefully

"Uhh, I don't know" I really didn't, after this, I might not have a normal peaceful life, I'd be the centre of attention, the cover of every magazine, I'd be singer; Ariana Grande and Jai Brook's adoptive daughter; and the girl with the parents that are criminals.

"Please. Say yes, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I promise, if you say yes, you will go places, be known for your voice, instead of your family; Jai and Ariana, but that's only if you say yes" 

"Um," I replied, and looked to Ariana for help, she slowly nodded telling me to say yes

"Sure," I shrugged

"Great! Come back tommorow and we'll discuss everything, then! Once again, thank you for saying yes" he grinned

"Alright, and you're welcome, I guess" I replied

"So, here tomorrow?" Ariana clarifies

"Yup" he nods

"Alright, bye Rydel," Ariana nods

"Bye Rydel" I say 

"Bye, girls," he waves

When we were finally in the car, the first things that left Ariana's lips were; "Are you excited?"

To which I replied with "hell yes!" fist pumping at the air

"I'm so excited for you, I know you're gonna be absolutely wonderful!" she grins

"I can't believe that just a week ago, I was just 'the girl being abused with criminal parents', now, a week later, I'm living with the best family, I'm signed to a record deal, and I might be a successful singer" I grinned

"It's funny how life works, huh?" Ariana laughed

"Yeah, but hey, I'm not complaining"


"Hey mom, what time are we leaving?" I asked as I hopped down the stairs

"What!?" Ariana exclaimed, dropping her phone in surprise

"I said 'what time are we leaving?'," I laughed

"No, what did you say before that," she asked

"Uhh, mom?" I replied, unsure

"Yeah, that. You called me mom!" she exclaimed, running up to me, smiling and hugging me tightly

"Well, yeah, you kind of are my mom, now" I giggled, even though, I couldn't move in her arms, I still felt happy, it was like a happy pain... If that makes sense

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