opposite party;;13 ♥♥♥

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adriannas P.O.V.

well today me and ariana are going to a party,it's jennette mcCurdy's birthday...and it's an all girl party,so the boys aint going,but it's an opposite party,so that means if your a tomboy,you have to be a girly girl,or the other way around,but i think you get it...and am wearing girly things,but not all pink,cause am a little bit girly,and ariana is NOT,she has to wear like ALL black things,but she is still wearing the engagement ring,and we are about to leave.

end of P.O.V.

ariana:adri,come on

adrianna:*runs downstairs* am here,lets go

ariana:k,wait up. *looks at the guys* and you guys DON'T mess up the house

jai:don't worry babe *kisses her*


[at the party]


ariana:JENNETTE!!,i've missed you so much,havent seen you since the victorious,and icarly collab

jennette:i know right

adrianna:*feels wierd their,so go's to a table and sits down*

ariana:so,what's new?

jennette:well,am going on tour in a couple day,but what 'bout you,going to be married,and adopted a kid,congrats

ariana:thank's jenn,i just love my life

jennette:so did you bring her?

ariana:yeah,she right here *looks behind her*was right here,where is she *looks around,then finds her* their she is *they walk up to her*

jennette:hi,am jennette

adrianna:hi,nice to meet you,and happy birthday

jennette:thank's,and i love your australian accent,and nice to meet you too

(they all sit down,and talk and have so much fun,and ariana got drunk)

jennette:i can't believe that everybody left and it's berlay *look's at time* 4:30 a.m. damn it's late

adrianna:yeah,hey should we stop ariana?

ariana:*dancing wierdly to 'drop that thun thun'*

jennette:*laughs* naww,i think we should wait a while,it's to funny


<<<40 minutes later>>>

adrianna:k,now it's time,to make her stop,and go home

jennette:k,i'll get her *goes and get her*

ariana:*still dancins.see's jennette coming her way to get her.sits on the floor* NO!

jennette:ari,come on


jennette:fine *picks her up and throws her over her shoulder* here we go

ariana:*falles alseep*

adrianna:lets go,you drive


adrianna:well,am 14,she's drunk,and your o.k.

jennette:fuck,you got me their

%on the way their%

adrianna:how are you going home?

jennette:shit,should have know that's was what i wass missing

adrianna:you could stay at our house

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