Prayer for the American situation after the Election

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Lord God our Father. Thank you that You are always listening and always hearing. Even when we are always deaf and always blind for Your Ways and Your Will. I pray on behalf of all the people who are so disgusted and not in agreement about the ugly methods people use to discredit each other. 

I pray that Your Will will be done eventually and that Your Name will not be put to shame by us Your children. Restore what has been broken down by believers who have messed around with Your Grace Lord. Help them to come to serious and truthful repentance of their wrong ways and that they will find forgiveness in You and Your very expensive free grace. Grace that has been paid for with Your blood. Your life. Your rejection and humiliation. With Your sweat that became blood at a stage. Lord Even the candidates who proclaimed that they believe in You do not follow Your instructions. They have to use ways of the world to feel secure instead of trusting in You to do what is right.

I pray God that You Yourself will establish the points of reference that You want to see reigning on this earth. Father forgive us if we want to do too much and trust too little. We know that life is costly and dear  to you. 

I pray God that ways will be established to save the lives of the unborn babies. That places of care will be erected to take care of them as they will be born unwanted. Make it true that Your Name will become inscribed in their hands. That they will call themselves "The Lord's" Lord I see family units forming by people who will want to give all those children a chance to reach their full potential as human beings and not as "things" that we kill to get rid of in an easy way. The doctors play the role of a mercenary! Lord I pray for healing for all the people who have gone through this process of abortion.....healing of their hearts and minds. That they can find forgiveness in their hearts towards the people who made it easy for them to rid them of a child...... I also pray for those people who agree with this practice. Open their eyes and hearts to the atrocities that they are orchestrating.  

I pray Oh God our Father that Your Nation, the Nation of Israel into which Your Son Yeshua was born, that they will be protected and shielded in the first place by Your everlasting love for them. Help them to take off their blindfolds so that they can see You in Jesus. That they will become pregnant with the hope of You coming to earth. Lord give them revelations so that they will not perish again with the lack of knowledge. Lord help the world to recognise You and the prophecies that they missed regarding You living between us, Your children. Immanuel. Immanuel. Zachariah prophesied that they will walk and weep the day when they realised that they have crucified You....their beloved Messiah whom they expected but did not recognise. Lord Your Word is full of miracles. Your Word is alive. Your Word is a Person. Your Word is nourishment it is bread. Your Word is the Water of Life. We will never get thirsty again because we cannot stop drinking from it.

Lord God our Heavenly Father. Protect the people of America from false religions. Take them as if under Your wings like a Hen with her chickens and protect them. Let them hear Your heartbeat.....let them love You......let them run back to You and find Jesus on your right hand side. Love them and bless them and make them to prosper in the knowledge of You. Save them from the false preachers and prophets and shepherds. Raise up Oh God trustworthy Shepherds for Your people so that they can teach us again about the fullness of knowledge of You.

Lord I pray for all the lost people......lost in the translation of who You are and what Your Will is in this day and age.......Draw them near to You so that they can experience this overwhelming knowledge of security in You. Your provision, Your protection, Your stability, Your love above all. I pray for all people who think they do not fit in and they do not belong, and they are not good enough.......people who search for the meaning of life in earthly pleasures and perceptions other than what You intended us to be. Let our contemplations of our hearts and the words of our mouths be pleasing to You. Let we be joyful and glad for what You have done and for what You do not do. You do not punish us for our sins, You love is and help us to walk away from it.

Lord it is because You never change......You did not say one thing a thousand years ago and retract it today. We know where we stand. You are not unpredictable.......I can just imagine how like puppets and failures we would have squirmed before You if Your rules changed day by day, century by century......if Your rules were different for different people.  If you wanted to be in the good books of people.... You are steadfast and always the same. 

Lord I pray for all the gender confused people. I pray that they will really have an loving encounter with You that will bring understanding and find knowledge of what love really is. 

Your love is kind, friendly, helpful, fruitful, consoling, peaceful......the attributes of Holy Spirit.

In the aftermath of the election, take the American people by the hand and lead them on righteous ways......away from the falseness of political correctness in truthfulness and integrity. Have mercy on us all.

I pray Lord Yeshua Jesus in Your Name. Amen.


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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