Part 1

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(Madhu's POV)

I reach my destination "Kundra group of Companies (KGC)" to start my new life, my new job. Only two months back I got graduated. I had the idea of doing Masters in Administration but due to financial crisis I couldn't pursue my higher studies. Being a single parent, my mother Padmini took all the hardship to give a better life & decent education to me & to my sister Trishna. My sister also completed only her under graduation when she started working in a reputed firm with a decent pay but later through distance education she did her post graduation. She was ready to fund me for my higher studies but I did't want to bother neither my mother nor my sister. I will work & support my family as my sister is of marital age & we need to save money for her marriage, I can think of everything else later.

I had given my interview 2 weeks back in KGC & I was surprised when I got my appointment later yesterday asking me to join immediately. I am recruited for the post of personal secretary of the CEO. I don't know who is my boss yet. Hoping to see some aged bald head pot belly to be my boss. I gaze up the huge multi-story office building, all curved glass & steel. An architect's utilitarian fantasy. I was asked to report by sharp 9 in the morning & I look at my wrist watch & heave a sigh of relief as I am not late on my very first day. I step into the enormous, quite intimidating & posh - glass, steel, white marble lobby. I walk straight to the reception desk & hand my call letter indicating why I am here & what I should do next. The young elegant girl in the desk quickly studies the letter & tells "You may please go to 34th floor & wait there. CEO will arrive soon & will meet you" I mutter my thanks to her & enter the elevator & press no. 34. I travel along with two men & a lady elegantly dressed in formal suits whereas I am in my blue skinny jeans & white kurta, my hair scooped up to a pony tail. When the elevator reaches 34th floor I m alone in it as the other members stepped out in previous floors. I step out & turn to my left to see the information counter & opposite to that I see few chairs & decide to wait there, till some one calls me.

I am looking down at my feet wondering whether I will fit in the job? Whether I m raised to take up the challenge? Being a fresher I shouldn't have tried to work in a huge company. I should have looked for some easy role. "No, Madhu, you can to this, put your full effort & do your work properly. Keep faith in you. I tell myself. Then I hear foot steps & look up to see a handsome man in dark color suit walk past me without glancing at me as he seems busy talking over his phone. Again I resume my position of staring my feet.

"Miss. Malik" a girl calls my name.

"Yes" I say softly & stand up.

"Please ,this way Miss. Malik" she leads the way into the office.

"No need to knock. You may enter in directly, as our boss is expecting you" she tells. I nod & Enter in to the office room. A tall man in dark suit, the same person I saw few minutes back outside in the waiting hall is my boss. He is looking outside the huge glass wall with one hand tucked in his pants pocket & other placed on the glass wall. The look of the city from this height is staggering.

"Sir" I whisper to seek his attention.

He sharply turns his head & glances at me, he turns his whole body & strides gracefully to his seat regarding me closely.

"Please, have a seat, Miss. ..."

"Madhubala Malik" I tell him& sit on the chair opposite to his desk as elegantly as I could.

"Oh yeah. My new secretary. You have a very impressive GPA, Miss Malik. And that's the reason why you got this job" he says with attitude, lean back on his chair, he crosses his legs, his ankle resting on his other knee.

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