Part 3

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(Madhu's POV)

Light fills the room, coaxing me from deep sleep to wakefulness. I stretch out and open my eyes. It's a beautiful morning. My first day in Kundra Mansion. My forever home. Beside me, Rishab is fast asleep. He still has his arm draped around my waist & I caress it gently. I smile remembering how cutely he asked me if he can hold me, last night. Apart from holding me & kissing me good night on my forehead the gesture I loved, he didn't take any advantage. He understands that I am not ready yet & ready to give me the much needed space to settle. He is such a gentleman.

I turn to my side to face my husband & when his hand slips down from my waist, I grab it & place it firmly on my hip. I like the feel of his hand on my body. Then I take the opportunity to admire the man I married. Suddenly he opens his eyes & caught me staring at him. I smile shyly & he smiles back. A cute dimple simple! Then he goes back to sleep. I lie beside him for few minutes letting him to go back to sleep & without disturbing him I slip out of his hold & quickly rush to the bath room to take a shower, on the way grabbing my cloths & towel.

When I step out of the bathroom, I find Rishab awake, sitting on the bed with his legs stretched out.

He looks up & smiles at me & I smile back as I towel dry my wet hair.

"That color looks good on you" he compliments. I am wearing a peach color saree. I know its simple but elegant showing my curves perfectly.

"Thanks" I whisper back shyly.

I turn towards the mirror still drying my hair. I notice him stepping out of the bed & walking towards me through the mirror. He stands behind me & my breath quickens at the close proximity. He turns me to face him holding my shoulder & I look up & lost in his intense gaze. I nervously take a step backward & he steps forward covering up the distance. I couldn't move back anymore as I hit the dressing table & he leans close to me taking my face between his palms & gently circling my cheeks with his thump.

"You look so beautiful and..." he pauses. My eyes widen feeling one of his hands on my curvy hip.

"And sexy" he says huskily still caressing my hip gently. I couldn't utter a word but simply gaze at him, mesmerized with his soft touch which is doing things to me. I don't know how to explain how I feel. Its so alien but feels amazing.

Then I jump in shock when his hard lips touch my soft lips but he holds my head firmly coaxing me to kiss him back. I don't know what to do. I just close my eyes & follow his lead as I kiss him back. I have never been kissed by a man & this is a first for me. My first kiss with my wonderful husband. He deepens the kiss, I start panting as I lean back & hold the dressing table for balance with one hand while other is hanging around his neck.

I don't know what is happening around me. One minute we were kissing passionately & the next minute he walks to the bathroom, leaving me aching & wanting for more. More? But what?

I couldn't believe I kissed Rishab. Well, he started the kiss but still? Am I so out of control? Couldn't I resist him but how could I? He is so attractive. Yes, he is. Undoubtedly & I have drooled him a lot secretly in office. But it was just infatuation not love. I don't want this relationship to start on the basis of lust or something which is short run. I want to know him well & fall for him wholeheartedly. Then why I kissed him now? What he will think of me when I practically gave him a long lecture on love trust & understanding & now acting like a hormonal teenager who couldn't control her desire?

God! Madhu! You really screwed up things! How could you? I feel something hot rolling down my cheek. Tears? Why am I crying now? I dash my tears away angrily & turn back to get ready.

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