Part 4

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(Note - Lines in brackets are Rk's mind voice/ self thoughts or whatever you call it LOL)

--- Live Interview With Business magnate Rishab Kundra ---

Reporter - Mr. RK, can you brief about your childhood, schooling, your first business venture, etc.

RK (smirking)- Go! Type 'RK' in Google. You will find my life history in various websites.

(why the hell I agreed to give these guys an interview? Well, Bittuji was bugging me to give this interview in order to let the whole world know that the Rich & handsome Business Tycoon Rk is taken but these fools already irritated me a lot by arranging my seating positions, taking few exclusive snaps to put on their magazine cover & now asking silly question and wasting my time! f**k!)

Reporter - Recently you got married?

RK - Yep! Yesterday evening.

(Only Yesterday I got married & I didn't even get proper time to adore my beautiful wife but these guys encroached into my office & made me come here leaving my wife behind in my penthouse. Gah!)

Reporter - Is your marriage love or arranged?

RK - Love cum Arranged.

(What bothers you idiot? Love or arranged? Its my life!)

Reporter - So how is your married life going?

RK - Wonderful!

(God! I didn't even start my life. Just one day & its no time to judge how is my married life. So far so good! Hope it gets better & better)

Reporter - Who proposed first? You or Mrs. Kundra?

RK - Me!

(When will this interview gets over? I am feeling sleepy! Oh no! I have planned to take my wife for a candle light dinner.)

Reporter - Do you have any secrets Mr. Rk?

RK (smirking) - I am not a guy with dark past & fifty shades of secrets. I am so normal & cool guy

Reporter - Mrs. Kundra is your personal secretary...

RK - Was! She was my personal secretary & now she is my beautiful precious wife.

Reporter - Did she impress you at your very first meeting?

RK - Yes, she is a very smart, intelligent & beautiful girl so she pretty much impressed me on the very first day she joined my company as my secretary.

Reporter - What do you adore the most in her?

RK (Smiling) - She is one fine woman so I completely adore her.

Reporter - What you dislike about Mrs. Kundra?

RK - Her stubbornness! She can be really stubborn at times which annoys me a little but still I find it fascinating.

Reporter - Do you have any bad habits?

Rk - hmm... I don't know.

Reporter - Mrs. Kundra's has any bad habits?

RK - As far as I observed her she has this habit of biting her nails which I think is bad and she does that when she is nervous or upset.

(God! She bites her nails till it starts bleeding. That's her way to hide her panic or nervousness. I wish instead of doing that she could better shares her worries with her family & henceforth with me as I will be spending my entire life with her & I never want her to be upset or worried)

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