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Mendoza Residences, Bonton Landing, NY 2031

Maine is stacking up some things to put in the attic. Most of their stuff is going to be shipped back in the Philippines and some will be kept in the attic.

"Maine, where do you want me to put the box of kitchen utensils?" Shouted Angie from the second floor.

"Beside the tea cups labeled box, I don't know find it Angie!" She shouted back.

She then continued putting the DVD's and CD's in the TV room to a box. She was almost finished when she came across a blank CD. She decided to watch or listen to whatever the CD is. It is quite odd since she purchased and organised everything herself. When she inserted the CD in her laptop, a window appear and it showed the title of the CD: NDMF. It has only one item, she clicked and discovered it was a video.

At first, it was all black then suddenly letters began to appear. She waited patiently for the letters to complete and when it did, it was her name.

To Nicomaine Dei Mendoza Faulkerson

The screen then changed, it was kind of shaky at first and she can't comprehend what was happening in the video. It then stopped and she can clearly see what was happening, she gasped. It was their home videos that Richard loved to film. She already saw the videos but she didn't knew her husband— ex husband—had compiled all of their home videos. The first video was when the house was finished and they were moving in. They were still engaged at that time but Richard already build the house for them. She used to say that it was his house and he would argue and say it was theirs, their love nest. She remembered how Richard's eyes would shine talking about the future—their future. They sat in the couch and imagined the future ahead of them. While Richard was playing with her hand and talking about children she knew that it was the perfect timing to tell him.

"I'm pregnant" She recalled whispering to his ears.

"Yes, you're going to be pregnant with our little Richard and little Maine.." Richard was still in his bubble when she said it again, louder.

"Chard, I said I'm pregnant. 3 weeks."

She saw how Richard froze and how it made her worried but then he looked at her. She never thought you could feel so loved just by looking at someone's eyes. Richard smiled and tears pooling in his eyes and he suddenly touched Maine's belly.

"I'm going to be a father?" He whispered.

"Yes." Maine matched Richard's face. He then crushed her to a really tight embrace. And Maine knew, she can never be happy as she was in that moment.

Of course she was wrong, the next video then moved to a hospital, she had mild contractions for the whole day and the OBGYNE told her that it was only the first stage just like what they discussed. Richard is busy recording everything. He interviewed every family member in the room while Maine was resting. They all knew how excited Richard was and he kept smiling while everyone gave messages for the twins. He wants to make a this special and show it to the twins someday.

When she held their eldest, she knew she was wrong. This was the moment that she can never be happy as she was in that instant. Richard was holding the other twin. They mirrored each other's faces. They knew that they love each other and they were each other's better halves but having the twins in their arms, they never felt so complete, whole, contented.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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