2. Place to Stay

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  Mai's POV

I smile as Oliver snuggles into my chest.

"Mai. You have to explain this to the others soon. Lin says they've been waiting for an hour now." I glance at Naru. He was staring at Oliver with a soft look.

"Alright. Can you rock him while I go talk to them please? I don't want him to wake up." Our voices were hushed. Naru nods and walks over to me, gently taking Oliver from me and cradling him to his chest. I smile softly as Oliver snuggles into his chest, wrapping his small fingers in his shirt.

"Thanks Naru. I'll be back in ten minutes I promise." Naru nods and sits in his chair, motioning towards the door. I rush out the door, quietly shutting it behind me.

"Alright Mai! WE-" I turn around and tackle Ayako, my hand going over her mouth.

"Shush! Oliver is sleeping!" Everyone freezes and I get off the Shrine Maiden, pulling her to her feet.

"Now, Oliver is an orphan. He's part of the baby project program that my school is doing." I quickly whisper out, heading for the kitchen to make some tea. The group follows me and when I start to boil the water, bomb me with questions.

"How long will you take care of him?"

"What's his full name?"

"Do you think you'll keep him when the project's over?" I raised a hand to stop the flow of words coming from their mouths.

"Six months, Oliver Eugene Smith, and I don't know. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take Naru his tea and feed Oliver." And with that I grabbed the tea cup and left the gang standing there.

"That was much easier than I thought it'd be." I whisper out gently as I close the door to Naru's office behind me. A small yawn comes from Oliver as I set the teacup down in front of Naru.

"How so?" I reach for the bigger baby bag, taking out a gallon of purified baby water and a bottle.

"Well I think it was because they were in shock. I was able to shut them up and make tea quickly, as well as explain everything." We sit in silence as I finish making the bottle. Taking a quick glance at Naru, I smile softly. He had sat down with the small child and was staring at him as his arms softly rocked.

"Do you want to feed him?" Startled eyes, much like those of a deer's, look up to meet my eyes. I hold out the bottle, as if it was a grenade. Naru slowly shakes his head and I nod, surprised at the feeling of disappointment that had flashed through me.

"Alright then, let me hold Oliver." I set the warm bottle down on the desk and then take the sleeping infant from my boss. Naru motions towards the couch and follows me with the bottle, handing it to me as I settle into the soft furniture.

"Thank you." He nods his head before heading over to his desk once more.

Naru's POV

I couldn't focus on the papers in front of me. My mind was too focused on Mai, Oliver and Gene. I don't believe in coincidences, so when the child Mai would be taking care of had my first name as well as Gene's...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a humming sound. The brunette had begun to rock Oliver back and forth as she hummed an English lullaby. Surprise dashes through me. She knew English? And then she began to sing.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me Hap-py when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away..." I was surprised to find that it didn't harm my ears. Mai's singing isn't as good as she believes it to be, yet now her voice is lulling me to sleep. She wasn't singing loud, but almost in a whisper. My eyes drifted shut as she started singing the lines again.

Mai's POV

After Oliver finished eating I burped him and put him to sleep. I lay him down on the couch, a pillow acting as a barrier to keep him from rolling off, and stand up to stretch. I yawn and head over to the desk only to stop in my tracks. Naru had fallen asleep at his desk. Smiling I head over to the couch once more and pick up the blanket there, draping it over the sleeping narcissist. My eyes trace his face as I take a step back. He still caused my heart to flutter.

I quietly exit the room, not wanting to disturb Oliver and Naru. As I shut the door behind me, I think about what to make for dinner here. Lately Naru had been staying till one or two in the morning so I had taken to making him dinner and then heading home. I wonder if he'd like Ramen tonight?

"Mai you have a phone call." Lin's voice snaps me out of my questioning quiet man held a phone out for me to take and when I accepted it, turned and went to my desk in the corner, messing with my computer.


"Taniyama Mai?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is the Seriff. I'm afraid I have bad news Taniyama-San." My heart began to beat faster and I grasped the wall next to me.

"What happened?" My voice was quiet and filled with panic.

"The apartment complex that you stay in was burned to the ground due to a wiring malfunction. I'm afraid to tell you that you home is now ashes." I drop the phone and stumble into the wall, slowly falling down as I stare at nothing, thoughts racing through my head. My home was gone. All my memories of my parents were there, my childhood, my home, my-

"Hello? Taniyama-San?" I struggle to my feet and pick up the phone, ignoring a startled Lin.

"Okay, thank you for telling me. Did...did anything survive the fire."

"Yes. A photo album and a blanket were all that survived." I nod, only to realize I was on the phone.

"Thank you. I-I'll be there shortly to pick it up."

"No, I'll bring it to you."

"Thank you." I hang up and then immediately stumblenover to the couch, propping my head in my hands. A quiet sob escapes me and I hear Lin walk off towards the kitchen in the back. The sounds that accompany tea making that follows, causes my sobs to grow harder.

Lin was making me tea.

I smile through my tears as Lin walks in and hands me the tea. His dark eyes search mine, asking what was wrong. I open my mouth to answer the silent question but the sound of a door quietly opening brings my attention to Naru's office.

"Mai?" Naru's voice rings out softly as he takes in my tear stained cheeks.

"M-my house." I manage to croak out. "It b-burned down. A-all of my stuff except a p-photo album i-is g-gone." I clench my tea cup.

"I just g-got Oliver and our home burns down. Where do I go?" I lock eyes with my boss as another wave of tears run down my cheeks.

"You will stay in one of the two apartments above SPR. You can share with Lin or I." My eyes grow wide as he says this with such a calm voice. His eyes flicker to Lin and back to the office door.

"On second thought you'll just move in with me. Lin rarely gets enough sleep as is and Oliver will more then likely wake up screaming in the middle of the night." I blink. Wow. He's really thinking about this. I'm jolted out of my thoughts at the loud ring of the doorbell.

"Wahhh!" I wipe my cheeks and stand, placing the now empty tea cup on the coffee table before rushing to Oliver. His face was scrunched up and his little hands were curled into fists as he shook them at the sky. I gently picked him up and laid him against my shoulder, rocking back and forth.

"Shush...it's okay Oliver. Mama's here. I'm here." The cries that came from his little mouth slowly quieted and I laid him back down, this time grabbing a ninkin and placing it in his mouth gently. He began to suck and I turned to peek through the door at who had shown up.

"I'm looking for Taniyama Mai." It was the voice from the phone! I step out and all three men turn to look at me. I hold a finger up to my lips.

"That would be me." I whisper. He nods and holds out a folded blanket.

"I wrapped the blanket around the album so I wouldn't lose it." I nod in thanks and stake a step forward to grab the silky fabric.

"Thank you." He nods and then sends me an apologetic look.

"I'm fraud I have to question you on your whereabouts today Taniyama-San." His voice was quiet and soft. Nodding in understanding I answer him.

"I was at school all day and then came straight to work right after." He nods and writes it down on a small clipboard.

"Alright. Thank you." He leaves and I drop my gaze down to the blanket I held clutched to my chest. It was supposed to be given to my child. It had been passed down from mother to child in my family. I smile as I let my thumb trail across the familiar butterfly and teddy bear that had been sewn on all those years ago.

"Mai." I look up at Naru. His eyes were surprisingly soft and his gaze never left mine.

"I suggest you and Oliver go ahead and get set up in my apartment. I'm about to close down the office." With a nod I head for Oliver once more.  

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