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Hey I decided I would do a contest for the webcomic.

You have four options:

.:Draw a design for the main character:.

.:Write at least 500 words including a story with the main character you have made, with their personality and such:.

.:do the two above:.

.:collab with another to do the two above:.


•No. I repeat, no, tracing, bases or copying ideas/stories/artwork.

•If you do collab, tell me.

•tell me what you're going to do in the comments.

•do not diss your own work or others work. (e.g. "Oh mines not gonna win" or "your's sucks! You're not gonna win!")

•don't yell at me for not choosing yours.

•have fun!

Please include:

•facts about the character. If you were to do a story, do it like this:
"Name; (name)
Age: (age). (And so on)"
After you've filled out basic information, start the story.

•all basic information. Looks, full name (e.g. Elizabeth Mary Rose), personality, age, backstory, likes, dislikes.

•any pets or things they like. (e.g. Elizabeth owns a brown rabbit named Fox and she likes large spiders)

What I'm looking for:

I'm looking for creativity, not art style or great story.

Form: (for writers)


For artists:

You can include more basic information and ways to fit it, like:

•likes dogs

•watches (youtubers)

•has a cat.

Finishes on:

Tuesday the 19th of June, you have plenty of time.

I hope to see you entering, comment if you are!

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