Chp : 1

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    Chp : 1

.Alex was playing  tenis , while she was playing she received a  message  on  her mobile  from  her best  friend   Sara ,the message was that sara wants Alex to come to her office because  an   individual  require  her immediate help . she stow  her  things  and  start  moving towards  her  car . One girl  approach and hand  over a  paper ...  what is  this ? This is your sketch  while  you were playing   tenis ! Ohh thanks !  it is  gorgeous ! that girl replied no need of  thanks ! I love  to make sketch  of  living souls . Alex  vocalize okay  May  i  know  your  name and  residence ?  yeah ofcourse ! My  name  is  Lilly  and  take  my  card .                 

 ... Alex  reached  sara's  office  and asked sara  who  need  her help,sara replied here  he is,his name  is  " Edward ".  Edward  why do you require  my  help ? Edward started being neRvous he replied  since  someone  wants to  kill  me .  WHO ?  that person  who killed  my sister . Alex's mind become perplexity she asked for a water ... after few mintues she vocalize impart me the whole story .

My sister  name  is " Bella " . Bella and i was  photo-grapher  our business  pather  are  Ashley  and  Vick . Then  ultimately  Ashley  called  Bella  and  impart  her  that  near by  the  railway station  some  raider  approached  and  take  expensive  stuff  from  peoples , then  you  possess  to  snap  photographs  for  newspaper . Bella replied  No , I can' t i am ill

 ...okk  take  rest  and  send  edward  in  the office ....... Then i was going Bella  camed  and  locked  the door .

Then that time she was Alone in home !      

 ........ Then  Edward  went  to  the  office  Vick  and  Ashley  were  standing  beside  the door  of  office . Then  they  approach  and  sat  in  my  car , while  we  were  going  some one  call up Ashley  , while  she  was  gossiping  she said  you can't carry out a single work ! rang the bell again ... after 5 min she said oK i am coming ...  Then   Ashley  prOnounce i  have  to  go somewhere . vick replied why ? ashley didn't replied the answer of vick then she said to me  i have  to go halt the car ! i am going  on taxi ..... 

Then  after  one  day  in  morning , i reached  home  and  i  saw  the door  was  unlocked  when  i invade  in the home  i  became  conscious  of  something  is  wrong . I went  to  the  bella's  room  I  saw  bella  was  lying  on the floor  with  having  knife  in  her  hand  then  i  call  up  Ashley  and  Vick  and  impart  them  to  approach  in  my  home . They  reach  i  opened  the door  and said  come  with  me . when  they  saw   bella  They  said why did you killed Bella ?

I replied i  did  not ! then  who  killed her ? i vocalize i  don't no ! what  should  we  do  now ? shall  i  call  the  police ? Vick replied No , are  you  crazy ? They  will conjecture  that  you  killed  bella ..... after sometime Ashley replied  first  we have  to  burried  Bella , we  will  not impart  any one   about  Bella  if  some one  inquire  we  will  say them  she is  out  of  country .....

...... Then  after  3  days  i  was  going  to  the  office   in  my  silver  volvo  and  after  a  while  i  realised  that  i  was  being  followed  by  a  car . it  was  tinted  black . but  I could  see  the  shadow  of  a  guy  in  it  .  the  shake  of  terror  passed  through  me  sweating  me . When i  was  approached  back  in  home  i  saw  that car  anew . I  commence  to  worry .Then  next  day  on friday  i  went  my  friend  house  , i was  on  stairs  some one  came   and  endeavour  to  shot  me  with  gun . when  i  saw  him  he  commence  running  , then  i  start   running  after  him  he  sat  on  his  car  and   go  on   his  way  and  that  car  was  same  which  i  refer  before .

I have told you entire story ! Alex will you assist me & try to find the killer of my sister ... Alex replied i  will  try  my  best  to  solve  this  case . 

Next  day  Alex  call edward and interrogate the lOcation of his residence and office ... Alex walked tO his office and cOnvene Edward . Edward staRed the cOnvaersation .... hOw are yOu ? Alex replied yeah ! am fine . where is Ashley & vick ? Edward exclaim his deputy & tell her to send ashley & vick  in my roOm .... Ashley approach first in his room . While she was caming she have a file in her hand & she was watching that file she open the door of Edward's room . she said what did the barrister said abOut Bella's prOperty . Alex  started watching Edward . Edward starting being nervOus & he said to Ashley she is a detective , her nmae is Alex & she will sOlve the case of bella . 

Ashley says Ohhh okk ! .... hello Alex . Alex smiled & replied hi ! where is vick ? Ashley vocalize he is nOt cOming today because he is having delirium .... Alex replied oK  ... give me your residence ... Ashley gave her ... Alex pronounce now i have to go i will approach tomorrow also !

hen  Alex  approach to Sara's office & impart  her everything  that what is occuring in this case . Alex was indistinct ! Sara replied don't be anxious i will assist you . Alex  vocalize you have to do intimacy with vick & you have to show mutual-understanding & conceivable you aware what i mean , but don't appeear infront of edward because he be aware of you . Sara replied okk ! but give me his detail information ... Alex call up edward & inquire about vick ..... Alex says to Sara that Edward is saying he adOre to play badminton . he mostly play badminton in  " AL - AHLI CLUB " . he proceed every morning at 8.00am  till 10.00am then he repair to office . he works there till 5.00pm then he goes home or he goes for jount with his friends ..... Sara replied : now depart this issue on me i will manage everything . =)

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