00. let's play catch up

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Rebecca McCall was never one to ping pong back and forth between boys. In fact, she had never been the girl you would describe as 'boy crazy' and she had decided that that wouldn't change now. Over the break, things had been fairly quiet which gave her the perfect opportunity to work out her love life. She was done with love triangles.

Stiles and her had an undeniable emotional connection, but that wasn't what she was after. In this point in time, she only wanted a bit of fun, nothing serious and Stiles didn't think he could fool around with her and know that there was no strings attached. He wanted Rebecca, but he wanted all of her and she couldn't give him that; not when she didn't know who she was. Maybe they were right for each other, but the timing was all wrong. Nothing was the same, but they were still friends and they still loved one another just as they had before. Nothing was the same, yet it wasn't all that different; everything was just out in the open now.

Derek was hurt and angry, but Rebecca knew that he was mainly upset due to Mikayla's lies and betrayal. She wasn't stupid, she knew that's what hurt him the most; Mikayla was the one for him and he would choose her over Rebecca every time. Knowing this, Derek was the perfect candidate to mess around with. He said he loved her, but they both knew it wasn't true and with the way everything had ended, there was no trust left between them: nothing that may lead to something else.

Just like with Stiles, nothing was the same. However when Rebecca showed up to Derek's loft, dripping wet from the rain and kissed him without a word said between them, he graciously accepted her. Derek gripped her hips and kissed her softly as a small giggle escaped her lips. He had missed her body, he missed her laughter. He wanted her back, but he was aware that she wasn't ready and so he kept quiet. He agreed when she told him that he never loved her and he let her believe Mikayla was always better in his eyes, despite the fact that it wasn't true.

When she proposed that they fool around, nothing serious with no strings attached, Derek laughed and said yes, pretending like the arrangement didn't frustrate him more than she would ever know. If he had said no, if he had poured his heart out to the pretty brunette, she would've left him without a seconds hesitation. She didn't want love, that had been made clear. She couldn't deal with it right now, not until she had her supernatural life under control; so he had decided to wait until she was ready. Until then, he may as well have some fun with it. He may as well give in and give her exactly what she wanted because it would hurt a lot more if he had to watch her leave.

So that is where Rebecca's next tale takes off. She begins emotionally unavailable, however much stronger mentally than we last saw. She has still been training as a pythonissam although Deaton is beginning to grow suspicious as to why she can't handle it. Her powers shouldn't be draining her as they are and his unspoken fears concern her eventually killing herself; he is close to discovering the truth.

The Alpha Pack are coming for both Scott and Rebecca McCall; however we will keep that just between us as Beacon Hills is still blissfully unaware of the wild storm that is heading its way. The only thing that is for certain is that the calm before the storm is quickly coming to an end and nobody will see what is to unfold coming until it is far too late.

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