01. road trips + friendships

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As predicted, Deucalion was eager to head to Beacon Hills and undertake some recruitment once Mikayla returned to the pack and told them the truth she had uncovered about the McCall twins. A true alpha and an element were both hard to come by and very powerful. The second he heard that Rebecca currently belonged to no official pack, the entire Alpha Pack left the very next day.

"We cannot afford to waste time, news travels fast and it won't be long before every pack in the area is either running scared or knocking on Rebecca's door. An element, imagine the strength she would give us!"

"Keep your expectations low, she has no idea of her full potential. Rebecca is practically useless to us at this stage, she needs serious training; which I offered but was so rudely declined." Mikayla piped up, tossing a blonde strand of hair over her shoulder before leaning back into her seat.

"Oh please, you're just sour that Derek was all over her when you showed up. You're bitter because she replaced you and you're worried that we'll do the same." Kali scoffed, rolling her eyes as Aiden stifled a laugh from in between Kali and Mikayla. Deucalion stayed silent from the front passenger seat, while Ethan said nothing and kept driving while biting back a grin.

Everyone knew it was true; Mikayla resented Rebecca because she blamed her for Derek moving on. By now it was humorous, if not tiresome, when Mikayla rushed to shine negative light on the 'element'.

"Whatever." Mikayla hissed, narrowing her blue eyes at the female werewolf and slightly baring her teeth.

"Oh, this is gonna be a looooong drive." Aiden commented, trying to defuse the tension that had quickly risen in the back seat. "A very long drive indeed.." he added, rocking awkwardly as the two girls continued to glare at one another. "Uh, who wants to play 'I Spy'?"


"You should go." Derek sighed, gazing at Rebecca as her soft curls fell from her shoulders while she sat up. She watched him with a slight pout, waiting for him to explain the sudden need for her departure. "Scott will get worried if you're not home, you have school tomorrow."

"Were you always this lame?" Rebecca questioned, pretending to think about it as though it was a legit question and she was genuinely curious as to what his answer would be.

"Yes and you love it." Derek chuckled back, leaning in and softly pressing his lips to hers, pulling her as close to him as possible before ending the quick kiss as she pulled away, a slight smirk on her face.

"Ew, love." Rebecca replied, crinkling her nose as though the whole idea of love was vile. Derek had noticed that she did this a lot, at the mere mention of love Rebecca would just tune out. The conversation was over and she would somehow deflect it and make a joke because that's what she thought love was; nothing but a joke.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Derek insisted, standing up and pulling the brunette with him. "You're very pretty, you know."

"You're full of it, Hale." Rebecca quipped, rolling her eyes playfully at his compliment. "And thanks, but no thanks. Isaac was gonna take me home, he is staying over tonight." She added, strolling over to the chair in the corner of Derek's room where she had earlier draped her jacket.

"Right, I'll see you later then?" Derek asked, nodding as she reached for the door handle.

"Inevitably." Rebecca winked, turning to leave before his voice stopped her.

"What? No goodbye kiss?"

"Nope, it's not like I'm your girlfriend." She shrugged, leaving his room without another word as Derek frowned. Her words were not intended to come across as malicious or cruel, but somehow they managed to hit Derek right in his stomach. Her words as strong as a powerful punch into his abdomen, leaving him pained and breathless.

"Isaac?" Rebecca called, her voice reasonably quiet knowing that his hearing would pick up on a regular whisper as she walked over to the loft door, her curly-haired friend appearing beside her in no time.

"Rebecca?" Isaac mocked, grinning as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a friendly fashion.

"Right here." She countered, matching her friend's bright grin as he sat a helmet on her head before pulling one on himself and leading her out of the loft. "So I'm thinking prank calls and a movie night?"

"Becca, you promised me a study night! I'm so behind and school goes back tomorrow." Isaac groaned, rolling his eyes at her attempt to get out of school work.

"But school sucks, I just want to ignore it."

"You can't. Come on, this year you're gonna smash it. I'm sure of it, you and I are gonna be solid C students!"

"Solid C all the way!" Rebecca laughed, knowing full well that she could most likely achieve that while ignoring school. "Okay, half the night we study and the other half we watch movies?"

"A quarter of the night we study, a half we watch movies and a quarter we sleep?" Isaac compromised, climbing onto his motorbike and turning back to Rebecca as he waited for her to get on.

"That sounds perfect! That is if we make it home, these things can't be safe."

"Hey, I heard Derek offer you a ride home, you chose this!" Isaac defended, holding his arms up to indicate he wasn't forcing her.

"Too late to change my mind?" She mused, pretending to toss up her options.

"Hurry up and get on, Becs." Isaac laughed, shaking his head at the McCall twin as she sighed and climbed on.

"Alrighty, tell my mum I love her."

"Will do and I'll ensure good music is played at your funeral."

"Aw, you're such a good friend to me." Rebecca said, putting her hand over her heart as he merely laughed back and revved, waiting for her to cling to him like a koala baby before taking off. Rebecca had clearly changed, but her friendship with Isaac only grew stronger and he was the constant she needed.


a/n: it's a day late, I'm sorry! how do you guys like the new Rebecca? and how I've added in Mikayla's POV? that won't be in every chapter, but I want this story to focus on her development as well so every now and again you will be graced with her POV


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