02. the new twins + intruders

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"I wonder if there will be any hot new kids.." Rebecca mused, sliding a plate of toast across the table to Isaac while Scott walked into the McCall kitchen with a disapproving expression.

"For their sake I hope not. Becs, you are in no state to be following a new student around like a lost puppy. We need to get you sorted before you drag anyone else into our supernatural mess." Scott answered, trying to sound stern without being overbearing.

"Scotty, Scotty, no. I do not 'follow'. I introduce myself, smile and wait for them to follow me. It never takes long." Becca replied, grinning cheekily at her brother who was now struggling to keep a straight face.

"You are unbelievable."

"Unbelievably hot." Isaac piped up, high-fiving Rebecca as Scott shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"She does not need the encouragement."

"That's true, but it's still nice to hear." Rebecca said, still grinning up at her brother who was quickly learning there was no way he was going to get her to be serious. She'd obviously already had her morning coffee.

"Just don't be late, okay? And be nice, hot or not, help out the freshmen. I'm gonna head off, call me if you need anything."

"Why are you freaking out? Scott, I'm just going to school; you'll be there too."

"I just have a bad feeling, I want you to be safe."

"By helping out freshmen?" Isaac asked, exchanging a suspicious look with Rebecca.

"Good karma always helps," Scott shrugged, giving his twin an awkward side-hug before heading to the front door. "See you guys later. Seriously, Becca, please look after yourself."

"Will do, Scotty. Love you." Rebecca replied, giving her brother a genuine smile in an effort to ease his worry.

"Love you too, Becs."

"I'll keep her in line, don't worry about Becca. I've got her back." Isaac added, nodding reassuringly at Scott.

"Thanks, Isaac. I'll see you both in English."

"Bye!" Both Isaac and Rebecca chorused together, sitting in silence for a few minutes until they were certain that Scott was out of earshot.

"Just curious, does Scott know about Derek?"

"No way, he'd go insane."

"Does Stiles know?"


"He's still crazy about you, you know. He looks at you like you're his world," Isaac told her, but it was too late. She was no longer paying enough attention to wonder whether he was referring to Derek or Stiles and it appeared as though either way, she didn't care. "Alright, kid; we better get going. Scott might actually murder me if we're late."

"Mmm? Uh, yeah sure. Sorry, I was too busy thinking about that deathtrap I'm about to go to school on."

"You'll be fine, stop complaining and go grab a jacket."

"A jacket?"

"Yeah, it's cold outside. Hurry up." Isaac shrugged, softly pushing the girl in an effort to get her to move.

"Ughh, fine. I'll be back in a second." Rebecca replied, rolling her eyes as she rushed up to her bedroom. Her eyes widened instantly as she opened her door, however before she had the chance to call out to Isaac, a strong hand was clasped over her mouth.

"Don't freak out, it's okay! I'm Aiden and this is my twin brother Ethan, we're not here to hurt you." A voice from behind her claimed, who presumably looked like the male who stood in front of her, holding her beloved leather jacket.

Instantly deciding that it was not wise to trust apparent twins who broke into her bedroom, Rebecca tilted her head upwards and bit down on the hand of which supposedly belonged to Aiden. Using his surprised reaction to her advantage, she kicked her leg backwards which weakened him long enough for her to break free.

"Isaac!" She yelled, using her powers to summon her jacket from Ethan's hands and simultaneously using them to lift her lamp up above him, dropping it onto his head as the jacket was in her possession. By this stage Isaac was up in her room and had pushed Aiden up against her wall, asking him what the hell they thought they were doing.

"We aren't here to harm you, relax!" Ethan defended, rubbing his head. "Aiden, I told you we should've used the front door, it would've hurt a lot less."

"Who breaks into someone's house with no intent to harm them?!" Rebecca exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "What the hell do you want?"

"Well for starters it'd be great if your little friend would let me go. I could break away, but I'm under strict instructions not to fight. Keep pressing me that hard though and I might suddenly forget our instructions," Aiden hissed. Isaac looking to Rebecca who simply nodded before he gave him a good shove and released him. "Rebecca, sweetheart what a pleasure." He added through a strained smile.

"We belong to the Alpha Pack and we want you to join us. We know you're currently not apart of any official pack and we could offer you not just protection, but power." Ethan explained, maintaining intense eye-contact with Rebecca as she appeared to consider what he was saying. From her point of view, it was a very attractive offer.

"I have friends and family here who would go to the ends of the earth to protect me, what makes you think power is something I desire?"

"They can't protect you in the same way a pack can and while you may not desire power yet, I can promise you that you will." Aiden replied, the twins staring at Rebecca as though she was the only other person in the room.

"I want to say no-"

"Think it over, sleep on it. We're not going anywhere anytime soon, I think this is something that deserves some serious thought."

"I think you two boneheads should leave and stay away from Becca, she doesn't need you." Isaac glared, pulling his best friend into his side as he slightly bared his teeth.

"Becca will be the judge of that. We'll be in touch." One of the twins replied, winking at Rebecca before they both climbed out of her window. The second they slipped out, Isaac walked over to her window and locked it. Shaking his head as he brushed past her and presumably went out to the front door.

"Now we really will be late! Becca, you better get your pretty little butt on my bike in the next 10 seconds or I'm leaving without you!" He called up to her, silently confirming that whatever had just happened was not going to be a conversation topic between them. In his mind, she belonged to his pack, whether it was official or not, and that was not about to change.


Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you all like the new update and are excited for more! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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