Phase 1

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A new beginning is all I needed. A new beginning is all that was needed to fix a heart that wasn't necessarily in need of mending.

Tuesday morning, it's dark out. 6:23 am and my alarm sounds. My alarm is one of my favourite songs, Say by American Gospel.

I hum the words as I pull myself out of bed and over to my mirror which is leaning against the wall on the far side of my room. I stare at myself while thinking about nothing in particular. The song ends and the gentle stop of the song brings me back down to earth. After getting ready for school I say goodbye to my family and walk down the end of my street to the bus stop. The air is crisp and bitter, it's silent. There are no birds chirping, no car engines roaring no nothing. The only sound heard is coming from the soles of my shoes as I kick through the wilting leaves on the footpath. The bus comes storming around the corner at the end of my street and me being at least another 2 minute walk away from the bus stop I gather my thoughts and start bolting down the path to try and catch the bus before it leaves. I'm running so fast the cold air is burning my eyes. My long brunette hair is falling behind me and my long legs are taking what feels like gigantic leaps out in front of me.

Although I'm a fast runner I wasn't fast enough. The bus takes off down the next street and to the next bus stop for the next group of kids waiting. Annoyed I stop in attempt to regain my breathe. Walking from my house to school doesn't take too long, it's only a 20 minute walk but for me that was 20 minutes too long.

I arrive to school about 30 minutes late due to my slow walking and slight detour, which I must say was on purpose. I walk into the schools main doors and into the office to sign in.

This wasn't an unfamiliar routine to me, In fact this happened quite regularly. I trudge over to the desk and fold my arms over one another and lean on the high wooden desk, placing my chin on my hands I smile at the lady behind the desk.

"Hello Katrina" she sighed with a slight smirk

"Helllo Mrs Boxwell" I replied cheekily

She signed me in and shooed me away.

I walk down the hall and into my first class of the day.


After a very uneventful day at school it was finally time to depart this hell hole. I'm sat here listening to some tunes waiting for my bus when I hear this loud cry for help, I take out one earphone and look around. My eyes stumble upon a very small male junior and a tall slim senior. Annoyed at the fact they had interrupted my music time I walked over to them and asked what was going on. It was at this point I realised the senior was Cole, Cole Sprouse. The most well known senior at my school. He was known for his consuming good looks and all for his constant affliction of mental pain towards the juniors. He stopped his bickering with the nameless junior and stared at me. He took one minute step towards me and said "what" he scuffed in no particular tone.

As I stared back at him I saw what seemed to be pain gleaming off his eyes. He looked hurt for reasons I was very unaware of.

"Nothing, just stop harassing people half your age and size" I said before returning my earphone back into my ear turning on one foot and walking back to were I was previously sat.

He was truly beautiful.

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