Review: My Alien Bride by @YurikoHime

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I can't say I've read many alien stories before, least of all alien romances. My Alien Bride has been my first taste of the genre, and I loved it. I found My Alien Bride via 's twitter page and, admittedly, the picture of the pretty blonde girl on the cover drew me in (hey, I'm only human!) Reading the description, I discovered that the story was in fact a girlxgirl romance about a young girl meeting an alien with sunset eyes and falling in love. Before I knew it, I was clicking on the story and delving in.

This book was one of a kind. I awed, I laughed, and at likes I felt like screaming "why cruel world?!" The alien antics made me giggle to no end, but there were more emotional moments too, making this story a pretty good all rounder. There's nothing better than a book than can make you both cry and laugh.

Another part I loved were the couples. They were so adorable with each other, and I found myself fangirling pretty much all the way through. It was refreshing too to read some stories with LGBT couples. The main characters deal not only with aliens, but also very human issues like the questioning of their sexuality. The contrast is strange, but it totally works.

I have to say my favourite character is Tathi. She's got a lot of dimensions to her character, with her sometimes seeming really dumb, and others super smart. I love characters that have more than one factor to their personality, and I felt that Tathi was like that.

The ending was super frustrating because there was a huge cliffhanger (this story is the first in a series) so of course, I'll have to tune in to the next instalment. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes romantic comedies and stories that don't take themselves too seriously.

Reviewed by meguiboo

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