00 | Foreword

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Hi guys! Welcome to the eighth issue of the PJO Magazine!

Thank you to every single one of you readers who have stuck with us so far and thank you to every single one of you new readers. This magazine is for you guys, and we wouldn't be here without you. And thank you guys so much; today, we hit 250 followers!

This month, there are several jobs open;

Quote of the Month [1]
Contests [1]
AMV [1]
One-Shot [1]
Cosplay [1]
Ask the Characters [1]

Also, we want to dedicate this issue to anyone affected by the shootings in Orlando and Mexico. We're so, so sorry for your loss. And even if no one was directly affected, we're still dedicating this issue to the victims of Orlando and Mexico. If you're religious, please keep the victims in your prayers, and if you're not, please do your best to support the victims. To everyone; this was a hate crime. It was not a random shooting. The shooter specifically targeted a gay club and has pledged allegiance to ISIS. This is nothing to do with the Muslim religion; he did not do it because he was a part of the Islamic religion (even though his parents say that he's not part of it). He did it because he was homophobic and part of ISIS. 

And even still it only takes half an hour to an hour to buy the very gun he used in America. We need to find a way to stop this. And I want to say this now.

If any single one of you who is reading this agrees with the shooter or has a problem with the LGBT+ community, unfollow us, and if you work for us, quit. We will not stand for it.

We need to breed an era of acceptance; you love who you love and you are who you are. And it is not 'against your religion'. You say it is because you want it to be. You say it is, because you're uncomfortable with it. In every religion, you are made the way you are. If whatever divine power made you, they made you the way they wanted you to be made. That means no mistakes; your nose is the way they wanted it. So is your personality. Your legs. Your stomach. Your sexuality. Your gender identity.

To breed this acceptance, we need to stop being ignorant. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." We've done nothing. And nothing is changing. Protestors stormed the funerals of those who died. You can still buy the gun. People have said that people died because they are a sin to God and he willed it. That is bullshit.

And if you agree with these people, unfollow us or quit the magazine. Because if you do, we don't want you. 

Enjoy the issue of the month. This month's theme, as picked by ShardsofMasks, was the original Percy Jackson series; Percy Jackson and the Olympians!

PJO Magazine Issue #8 - June 2016Where stories live. Discover now