Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Crystal here, and just so you all know, I will be switching through cats p.o.v. So, first we had Spiritstar then we had Crystalkit and now we're having Dappledpaw. So I hope you enjoy! Peace!

"So... Borage Leaves are for fevers and increasing a queens milk?" Dappledpaw asked pointing with her tail to blue and pink leaves "Your're asking again! A medicine cat will rely on his or her own instinct!" Waterstep snapped "Sorry Waterstep... I am on my first day of being a medicine cat." Dappledpaw said quietly. "I think your're doing a wonderful job!" Spiritstar said from the entrance of the den "Ya!" Crystalkit tried to run up to her but started to limp "Spiritstar? What happened to her?" Waterstep asked. Spiritstar leaned in and whispered a name but Dappledpaw couldn't understand what he said Huh? I wonder if it was a cat from Whisper Claw Forest... I mean... Waterstep always said Crystalkit had a connection with the stars... Dappledpaw thought while treating Crystalkit's wound.

"There you go Crystalkit, you're all fixed." Dappledpaw mewed to her old litter mate. "Thanks Dappledpaw!" Crystalkit mewed running out of the den. "Good work young one." Waterstep mewed sitting down "You handled this well. I was talking with Spiritstar and you chose the perfect herbs for little Crystalkit's shoulder "Who did that to her anyway?" Dappledpaw asked sitting next to her mentor "Aldermask... An evil Tom from Whisper Claw Forest, when I was no more than a youngster, he attacked. Spiritstar, who was Spiritheart then, was chosen as deputy, Aldermask was very mad and got all the cats that agreed with him, and attacked Spiritstar." He paused and let Dappledpaw take that news all in, then he continued "Our old leader died from Battle Wounds, and my mentor died a moon later, so, in revenge, Spiritstar killed Aldermask and he went to Whisper Claw Forest." Dappledpaw gulped "A-and he wants Crystalkit's h-help..?" Dappledpaw stumbled on her words "From what she told Spiritstar, yes, and she said no." Waterstep said looking out of the Medicine den. "That's good...." Dappledpaw mewed to her mentor "Yes, she is loyal." Waterstep agreed "Now, go check on her." Dappledpaw nodded "Yes Waterstep." Even though he's strict... Dappledpaw thought 'He's the best mentor I could ever ask for.'

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