Wolf's Bane - You promised

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

We sit down at a lunch table, all three of us carrying trays of food, and as soon as we're sat I start picking at my carrot sticks and pizza. "So," Stiles says, "did you get her to give you the necklace?"

"Not exactly," Scott sighs.

"What happened?" I ask through a mouthful of pepperoni pizza.

"She told me not to talk to her. At all."

I shrug. "That's my sister. Hopefully it will wear off soon."

"So she's not giving you the necklace-" Stiles tries to say, but Scott gets angry.

"She's not giving me the necklace!" he growls.

"Okay buddy, chill out," I warn. "Did you find anything else out?"

"Just that I know nothing about girls," Scott says, "and that they're totally psychotic."

I throw a carrot stick at his face, and it hits his eye. "Gee, thanks." He chuckles as he holds his eye, and Stiles looks at us proudly. "What?"

"Okay, I came up with a plan B just in case anything like this happened," he says.

"What's plan B?" Scott asks.

"Just steal the stupid thing," Stiles replies. When I give him a look he shrugs, and I run my hand through my hair.

"Couldn't we try at least getting to Harris?" I ask.

"My dad put him on a 24-hour protective detail, okay?" Stiles says. "The necklace is all we got. Steal it. Thank you." Stiles and I carry on eating our lunch, but when I look up Scott is staring at a corner of the cafeteria before he quickly looks away.

"Guys, he's watching us," Scott says quietly.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks as I turn round in my seat to scan the room. Jackson is sat at a table at the back of the cafeteria with Allison and Lydia. I quickly turn back around and pretend like I'm engaging in conversation with the boys.

"Jackson's talking to me," Scott whispers. "He knows I can hear him. Look at me." I already am looking at you, doofus. "Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend like nothing's happening."

I look at Stiles and suddenly burst out laughing, so loud the entire cafeteria goes quiet and everyone turns to look at me. I see Allison and Lydia give me weird looks before I hang my head down. I look back up to see Scott and Stiles, confused. "You said act normal."

"That's you acting normal?" Stiles teases, and I throw another carrot at him.

"Say something!" Scott demands. "Talk to me!"

"I can't think of anything!" Stiles breathes. "My mind's a complete blank."

"Your mind's blank?" Scott hisses. "You can't think of something to say?"

"Not under this kind of pressure," Stiles defends. "FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore."

"Where the hell is he?" Scott asks, scanning the cafeteria. He finds him, and I know he's listening to whatever Jackson is saying.

"This is bad," I whisper to Stiles. "If Jackson knows, what the hell is he going to do to Scott by using this against him?"

"I don't know," Stiles sighs. "This is very bad." Scott suddenly growls loudly, and I put my hand over his, which is clutching his food tray. "Scott, come on, you can't let him do this. You can't let him have this kind of power over you. Okay?" He suddenly snaps, jerking so his tray makes a loud noise. The entire cafeteria looks at him, and Allison looks over, concerned. I grab Scott's arm and heave him up while Stiles grabs our food.

"Dude, come on," I breathe, forcing him out of the cafeteria.

"You don't know what he was saying!" Scott growls.

"Yeah, I don't, and quite frankly I don't wanna know either," I say, putting my hands on my hips. "Look, he's using you being a werewolf to get to you. I know Allison, she'd never go for someone like him. Besides, he's dating Lydia."

"But -"

"Scott, go get the necklace," Stiles says, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Just forget about it."

I sigh as Scott walks off to get the necklace, and turn to Stiles. "He's not okay, is he?"

"Not in the slightest," Stiles sighs. He pushes my shoulder so I fall against the lockers, and I laugh. "So, we still on for tonight?"

"Oh, yeah," I say. "You're first game. But can I go home and dump my school stuff?"

"Sure," Stiles says, leaning down and brushing my hair behind my ear so he has a clear path to my lips. He presses a hard kiss to my lips, and as he goes to walk away I grab his jacket and pull him back to me, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiles as we walk off down the hall, our hands locked together. I get into my Impala and drive off towards my house, Stiles following behind me in the Jeep. I park my car and rush in, dropping my school bag and picking up a smaller bag with a few essentials in it, quickly brush my hair through and then hurry back downstairs, locking the door and jumping into the Jeep. "Ready?"

"Let's go," I smile, scooting over so I'm sat directly beside him. We walk up to his room, laughing about something from when school started, and he closes the door as we sit down at his desk to look at his laptop.

"Hey, Stiles!" Sheriff calls from the hallway. I'm sat on Stiles's lap, so we turn at the same time to see Derek stood with his back to the wall, motioning to the door.

"Yo, D - Derek," Stiles stammers, and I jump up and press myself against Derek to keep him as flat as possible. He just groans in annoyance. "I, um-" Stiles opens his door but only opens it enough so that his body just fits in the gap.

"What'd you say?" Sheriff asks.

"What? I said 'Yo - d - dad'," Stiles says, and I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh.

"Listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight," Sheriff says. "I mean, your first game." Oh damn, it's his first game.

"My first game," Stiles chuckles nervously. "Guh, it's great. Awesome. Uh - Good."

"I'm very happy for you," Sheriff says. "And I'm really proud of you." My heart melts as he says that. The one thing I'd always wanted my parents to say were that they were proud of me, but they never did. Unless it was on hunts.

"Thanks," Stiles answers. "Me too. I'm happy and proud - of myself." Oh, you just made things awkward.

"So they're really gonna let you play, right?"

"Yeah, dad. I'm first line. Believe that?"

"I'm very proud."

"Oh, me too. Again, I'm -" I know he's being hugged by his dad when he carries on speaking. "Huggie - Huggie huggie -"

"See you there," Sheriff says. "Oh, and tell Rae I'll save her a seat." I grin as I hear him walking slowly away.

"Take it easy," Stiles says. He comes back into the room, quickly shutting the door. I step away from Derek and he's instantly in front of Stiles, pushing him against the door angrily.

"What the hell!?" I say loudly, pulling on Derek's jacket.

"If you say one word - " Derek begins to threaten, but Stiles has it under control.

"Oh, what, you mean, like, 'Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun'? Yeah, that's right." Stiles looks proud as Derek watches on, confused. "If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." Derek takes a moment and then steps back, pulling Stiles's jacket lightly. Stiles does the same and Derek jerks his head towards him, making Stiles back away. "Oh, my God!"

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asks.

"No," I reply. "He's still working on it."

"Here's a thought," Derek says as Stiles sits down in his chair and turns to face us and I flop on Stiles's bed. "Why don't you get it?"

I prop myself up on my elbows and roll my eyes. "Because," I say, dragging the word out, "she'll never give it to me. She'll think I'm jealous, which I am not. Besides, I saved your life. So you don't get to go barking orders at me, Sunshine."

"But," Stiles interrupts, "there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there."

"So?" Derek asks in annoyance.

"So it wasn't Scott," I say.

"Well, can you find out who sent it?"

"No, not me," Stiles shakes his head. "But I know somebody who can."

Twenty minutes later, Danny is sat in the spare desk chair beside Stiles. "You want me to do what?"

"Trace a text," Stiles says simply. Derek is sat reading a huge book and I'm throwing a tennis ball up into the air while being led on my back on Stiles's bed.

"I came here to do lab work," Danny says quickly. "That's what lab partners do."

"And we will," Stiles promises. "Once you trace the text."

"And what makes you think I know how?" Danny asks.

"I - I looked up your arrest report, so -" Stiles admits, and I snort.

Danny turns round and I look away, keeping my mouth shut. He turns back to Stiles and sighs. "I was 13. They dropped the charges."

"Whatever," Stiles shrugs.

"No, we're doing lab work," Danny says sternly.

"Oh, my -" Stiles says, getting annoyed. They start actually doing work, at which point I get severely bored. Stiles turns round to me and gives me an apologetic look, and I flop back on his bed and continue throwing the ball in the air.

"Who's he again?" Danny asks, pointing over his shoulder to Derek, who looks up with a serial killer look on his face. I prop Stiles's pillows up against his headboard and sit back, now throwing my cell phone in the air as it's more risky.

"Um, my cousin - Miguel," Stiles answers. I look at him with a look that says 'really', but Stiles shrugs.

"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny questions, concerned.

"Yeah, yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds. Hey, Miguel, I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." Derek sighs in annoyance and stands up, indicating that I should go stand by him. I quickly jump over, desperate for something to do. Derek strips off his bloody shirt and tosses it on the floor, and opens Stiles's t-shirt drawer. "So anyway, I mean, we both know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably - "

"Uh, Stiles?" I say as Derek picks up a shirt. I know straight away it's not going to fit him.


"This," Derek says, tugging the shirt in his hands, "no fit."

"Then try something else on," Stiles says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Derek and I turn back to the drawer and he growls slightly. "I'm gonna kill him."

"You kill him, I kill you," I hiss, and I pull out an orange and blue striped shirt. "Here, try this one." Derek shoves it over his head and flares his nostrils, glaring at me. "Hey, this one looks pretty good, huh?"

Stiles turns round, looks at Danny and smirks. "What do you think, Danny? The shirt."

"It's - it's not really his color," Danny stammers. I smirk as I turn back round to the chest of drawers and pull out another one. Derek takes off the striped shirt and puts the other one on.

"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy," Stiles says quietly.

"You're a horrible person," Danny replies.

"I know," Stiles says quickly. "It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text."

"Stiles!" Derek says loudly. "None of these fit."

Danny looks back to Derek, then to Stiles, who raises his eyebrows, and sighs. "I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." Stiles makes a lot of celebratory hand and arm movements behind his head so only Derek and I can see.

A little while later, we're all crowded around Stiles's computer. He's pulled me into his lap, and I'm sat with my elbow on the desk while Derek stands around us. "There," Danny says, pointing at the screen. "The text was sent from a computer. This one."

"Registered to that account name?" Derek asks.

"No, no, no, no," Stiles says, shaking his head. "That can't be right." On the screen is an account name that belongs to Melissa McCall.

Danny leaves pretty soon after we've found it out, and I grab my coat, sliding it on. Stiles and Derek are still upstairs, so I go up to see what's keeping them.

"Guys," I say as I walk in, "the game starts in like 30 minutes. Stiles, you gotta be there."

"I know," he sighs. "There's just something I gotta do first."

I sigh. "Okay, just please be there." I walk up to him and pull him towards me, kissing his lips gently. "You know how much this means to your dad."

"I know, I know," he says, kissing my forehead. "Go on, I'll be there. I promise." I'll hold him to that.

I head downstairs and start walking towards the school. It takes me longer than I thought, but once I'm there I find Scott in the crowd. I rush up to him and sigh. "Stiles here yet?"

"No, I thought he was coming with you," Scott says, pulling out his phone. "Did you get the picture?"

"Yeah, I did," Stiles answers after Scott puts him on speaker phone. "It looks just like the drawing."

"Hey, is there something on the back of it?" Derek asks. "There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something."

"No, the thing's flat," I say with a sigh, scratching my forehead with my gloved hands. "And it doesn't open, either."

"Rae's right," Scott says. "There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line."

"Where the hell is Bilinski?" Coach shouts behind me and Scott, making us jump. He slaps Scott on the back of the head and raises his eyebrows.

"Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start," Scott warns.

"I know," Stiles sighs. A lump comes to my throat once I realize something. "Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him - tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks." He hangs up.

I shake my head at Scott, my curls bobbing around. "He - he promised me he'd be here."

"Rae, hey, no," Scott says, hugging me as I blink away the tears. "Maybe he will just be running late."

I chuckle in anger. "I doubt it."

"Rae!" a familiar voice shouts. I turn to see Kate waving me over, but then my eyes land on Sheriff, who's stood in the second row. Dad, Kate and Allison all watch me with confusion as I smile apologetically and head over to the Sheriff.

"Hey, Sheriff," I say as I stand next to him.

"Rae, hey," he says with a smile. "I saved you a seat."

"Thanks," I reply, sitting down beside him. I rub my arms in an attempt to warm them up, but there's suddenly something warm wrapping around them. When I look down, Sheriff has taken off his large coat and wrapped it around me. "Oh, no, I can't wear this. You'll freeze."

"It's okay," he says gently, squeezing my hand. "You seen Stiles when you were talking to Scott."

I close my eyes briefly and sigh, mist appearing from my warm breath. "No. But I'm sure he'll be here. He promised." Scott looks back at me and I shrug, indicating I have no idea where Stiles is. He makes an annoyed face, and I indicate to the Sheriff with a sad face.

"Typical," Sheriff chuckles nervously. "The first game he actually gets to play in, and he's late for it."

"He promised," I say, like a mantra. "He promised, he promised, he promised-" Sheriff's arm wraps around me, pulling me close.

"It's okay, sweetheart," he says gently. "He'll be here. He has to be."

We stand for a little longer and I see Scott and Jackson talking, but I need to get hold of Stiles. "Excuse me for a moment," I say to Sheriff, and he moves so I can get out of the stands. I rush over to a quieter part of the field, but so I'm within ear shot in case something attacks me. I dial Stiles's number and put it to my ear, anger boiling deep in my stomach. "Stiles, it's Rae. Look, I don't know where you are or what the hell you're doing, but so help me God get your ass down to the lacrosse field now! Your dad and I are stood waiting for you, to see your first game. How the hell can we do that if you're not here!? I'm going to be so disappointed in you if you miss this game, Stiles. You wanna know why? Because you promised me that you'd be here. You promised and now you're not. So either get your ass down here or be ready to face me when I next see you."

I hang up and run back to the stands when I hear the team shouting. Sheriff helps me across the benches and lifts me over the first bench so I don't fall. "Still no answer, huh?" he asks.

I shake my head. "He'll have to deal with me if he misses this game." Sheriff chuckles, but little does he know I'm really not joking. Scott gives me another look as he walks slowly onto the field, and I shake my head and he nods, knowing I'm angry.  

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