So this is Me, Myself and I

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Adults say that being a teenager is the best part of your life. Well, not to me. I'm Mia. I'm 15 and i live in Canada. I grew up in a small town and last summer  we had to move. I'm most of the time lonely.

Not that i'm antisocial! It's just that by my clothes, my personnality, i'm not like the ordinary people. I'm not a girl who's gonna follow fashion trends everytime. I'm different, but i guess at least, i'm ME.

I'm a musician since i'm 6. I play the piano, the guitar and i sing. Actually i never sang in front of people. I'm not ready yet. But i love music so much! It's here for me when nobody is. 

I also like videogames a lot. I can play for hours without talking  to anybody. When i play i feel like i'm just moving to another world. These are both my biggest passions.

Moving wasn't that hard for me. Sure i had some friends to say goodbye to, but i've never had a bestfriend or a place that i loved that much. I actually felt great about moving. I could restart everything. 

We moved in July and now we're in a biggest city. I start school next week. I'm a little nervous, but i'm excited at the time. I'm a girl who likes school in general, but especially buying my supplies. I don't know, i love buying my notebooks, my pens and my binders.

Anyway, like i said i've never really had a bestfriend or a group of friends before. Being alone never bothered me. Maybe this year will be different...

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